New York Gay Times

241 18 16

Authors POV

Harry is 23 years old and works as a veterinarian. He lives in a penthouse in New York, feeling rather squeamish, possibly due to the odd weather happening. The vet is currently closed due to a snow storm. As of now, Harry is sipping some hot cocoa from his mug (that is shaped as a cat) while staring out the frosted; limpid glass, wondering how his mother is doing. He hasn't seen his mother since he was a child. His father, Desmond, told him that she was a drug addict, it was said that she was, and still is, wanted in 10 different towns due to selling illegal drugs to teens and other "rebellion" stuff. Strange, he knows. Harry thought, he never understood what his father meant by that but it must've been atrocious. Harry suspired lowly, sipping on his cat mug once more before gently placing it down a coffee table. As he was gonna flop onto his bed and wrap himself around his blanket he heard a knock on the door.

Harry mantled the fluffy blanket over himself, groaning dreadfully as he lazily walked over to the door, cracking it open to have a small sight on who it was. When he confirmed that it was his next door neighbor, Zayn, he opened the door more widely so they can get a better view of one another. "Hey, uhm.. I brought pizza?" Harry smiled and motioned Zayn to come in. Zayn gladly strutted inside making Harry giggle. "What brings you here, Malik?" Harry closed the door locking it. "Last time I was here you say this kind of weather always depresses you, I wanted to change that. So I thought, why not come over and bother Mr. Styles with some pizza." He placed the box with the rounded pizza on the kitchen table, getting out two plates for the both of them. "Oh, you're never a bother, Malik. But overall, that's very thoughtful of you. Thank you."

"You're welchome" Zayn thanked, mouth full of pizza.

Harry seriously looked at Zayn, "No. Really though, thank you." He softly put a hand on Zayns greasy one. Zayn stopped his chewing and blushed furiously. He then gazed up at Harry, "You're welcome, Haz." He spoke sincerely. Harry then smiled and plotted himself down a stool taking a slice of pizza and biting into it. Zayn was still thinking about the feeling of Harry's hand on him. 'Was he teasing me?' He thought. 'What do I do?' After a while, Zayn took a bite out of his pizza. As Niall says, 'eating food is the best way to handle ANY situation. Trust.' Zayn cackled lightly thinking of the time Niall was about to ask a girl out when a sudden nerve came to him. So what did Niall do? He took out some pretzels and ate them right in front of her. Surprisingly, they're together now.

Zayn told the story to Harry which found it amusing and made a mental note about it. Could be useful in the future, he thought. After they were done they made their way to the living room, Zayn put some wood in the fireplace and lit it up, the pigmented flames pranced around the cold air. The smell of smoke pleasing Zayn's body making him relax. He grinned, and sat down next to Harry on the burgundy colored couch. "What movie?" Harry asked. "I don't know, horror film?" Harry stiffened and shook his head variously. "You know I despise those films. They scare me to bits!" He dreadfully spat making Zayn smirk. "Let's watch one, and don't worry love, you can hold onto me. Alright?" He felt a light blush lit on his cheeks, shaking his head indicating he agreed. He scooted closer to Zayn, looping his arm around Zayn's. They decided on watching The Exorcist, and settled closer to each other.

Later into the movie, Harry was screaming his guts out. Hiding his face into Zayn's neck, only to look back at the screen, then hide again. Zayn on the other hand was flushed. Sitting on the couch hoping Harry would stop hiding in his neck before he gets the chance to explode. 'Wish there was food around' Zayn gruffed in distress. Once the movie finished Harry got of the couch and stretched, giving Zayn the liability to get a good view on Harry's ass. "I'm gonna go wash the dishes so I won't have to wash them later. You stay here, so don't say anything about helping me." Harry walked into the kitchen, swinging his hips to the side. 'Why does he have to walk like that?' Harry was wearing small booty shorts that hugged his ass rather well, with a baggy black hoodie on and cute Christmas socks even if the holiday has already passed.

The sight made Zayn go insane, he impatiently bounced his leg in despair, rubbing his temples. He peaked into the kitchen seeing Harry bending down to pick up a napkin that was previously on the floor. 'That's it. I can't do this anymore.' Zayn got up and sternly made his way to the kitchen, flipping Harry so he can look at him. Harry—who was in shock—asked the now nervous person in front of him, "Z-Zayn, what are you doing?" He growled, "I don't know." And smashes his lips on Harry's. Harry felt his eyes widened and heard his heart bumping. But of course, like any normal human being would do, gave into the kiss that he just now received. Both heating the air up with heavy breathes. After a while, Harry broke the (little) make out session.


"Uh, sorry. I couldn't- sorry." Zayn let go of his hold on Harry's waist but was instantly back in the previous position. Took him a second to realize that Harry grabbed his hands and guided them back to his waist.

"Don't be."

Harry kissed Zayn. His hands automatically touching his cheek. When they finally let go, they collided into a hug. After a few moments the went back to the couch and just sat there, staring at one another. Harry chuckled, "Thought you were straight, Malik."

Zayn then jokingly scoffed, "How did you came to the conclusion of that?"

"Last time we hung out, you followed a girl. Your stare didn't leave her..." He told, looking down and playing with his rings. Zayn later shook his head and made a breathy laugh, "No no no. You misinterpreted it. I really liked her pants since they had little decorations on it. Almost looked homemade. So I decided to ask her about it. She runs an online shop."


"Oh.. well this is embarrassing. Sorry for assuming." He scooted closer towards Zayn. "Nah, it's alright. Actually these pants are from her store. See she knitted one of my paintings on it and my name on the other leg sleeve, see?" He showed Harry a small green skull looking head with white circles for eyes knitted on the pants, on the other 'leg sleeve' as Zayn calls it, is Zayn's name stitched across it.

"Woah, this looks neat!"

"Uh-huh. And here's my favorite part, yeah?" Zayn then bended down, Harry following, and showed a little butterfly stitched at the bottom of the pants. Harry gasped, "it looks kinda like my... tattoo?"

"Yeah, I remember when I slept over the other day and you changed your shirt in front of me." Zayn leaned back to the chair. "You were sleeping though."


"Oh god, you were pretending??"

Zayn laughed, "Gotta do what you gotta do, right?"

"I guess. So you wouldn't mind if I did this?" Harry scooted even closer to Zayn and setting himself down on his lap. Zayn prepared himself for whatever Harry was occurred to do, but nothing came. Well expect the fact that Harry cling onto him like a koala. Harry's head rested on Zayn's shoulder and his arm twirling the back of Zayn's hair.

"Can you sleep over tonight?"

Zayn embraced his arms around Harry, adjusting himself so that they're both laying down.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?"

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