𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛

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arvin drove through the streets of coal creek aimlessly until he found a secluded spot to park in the woods as calypso worked up the courage to speak. she sifted through all her memories, trying to figure out which ones she wanted to share with him. she decided to start from the beginning. she knew she would break down. she was well aware that this wouldn't be easy, but at this point she didn't care. not even donna knew this, and she was sick of keeping everything inside all the time.

"i was born in freeburn, kentucky," she said. 

arvin nodded, his eyes on the road. she was grateful for that. she wasn't sure if she'd be able to talk if he was looking her in the eyes. she stared at his large hand that gripped the wheel, occasionally going flat and turning the wheel with his palm. the other arm rested lazily on the console between them. it was soothing, watching him drive.

"it was probably the most miserable little coal town you've ever seen," she said with a dry laugh. "no one had two nickels to rub together. so my mom died while i was getting born, so i was left with my dad. he was a coal miner."

"mhm," said arvin to let her know that he was listening.

"he was always on one drug or another. normally meth, but sometimes he'd branch out and try pain relievers. alcohol, too. and cigars. god, my house always smelled like fuckin' alcohol and tobacco and coal, and that son of a bitch was always coughing." she cleared her throat. it was coming up to the hard part. "one day, he..." she trailed off.

they rode in silence for a few more minutes. arvin didn't want to push her. he took her hand in his free hand and held it, unsure of what to do.

calypso steeled herself, gripping his hand, and continued. "one day he came home and shot up some heroin. he got real...confused, i guess. and he started touching me. in bad ways. i was nine then. the older i got, the worse it would get. he never fully...did it with me, but he was going to."

"that ain't no accident, darlin'," said arvin darkly. "don't nobody shoot up so much they go and do a thing like that."

"one day i decided i couldn't take it anymore," she said. "i knew my mom had a sister who lived in coal creek, but they hadn't talked in years. had some bad disagreement. it was the only place i had family. so one night i just grabbed my shit and left. hitchhiked to west virginia. i didn't know who my mom's sister was, but i knew she had a daughter named donna."

"so you and donna are cousins?" said arvin.

"yeah," said calypso. "her folks don't know, though. from what she's told me, if her mom knew who i was, she'd throw me out on my ass, but she tolerates me because she thinks i'm just donna's friend."

"makes sense now," he said. "why you like sex so much."

"what?!" she snapped, taken aback.

"don't get all offended, darlin', i didn't mean it like that," he said. "it's just that it makes sense. i mean, you were exposed at an early age, so you're used to it. or something."

"something like that," sighed calypso. "anyways, what's your sob story?"

arvin's eyes darkened. "i don't wanna talk about it."

"you sure?" said calypso. "i've rambled on so long, least i can do is listen to you."

it was arvin's turn to sigh.

"my daddy loved my mama," he began. "when i was nine, they found out she had cancer. my daddy didn't take it so well. he had this prayer log out in the woods. he'd take me out there every day and make me pray."

calypso rubbed circles on the back of his palm.

"he got real violent about it. shit, i was nine, i didn't even believe in god, and here he was hitting me and telling me that i was killing my mama by not praying good. i think he went a little mad. the night before my mama died, he nailed my dog jack to the cross as a sacrifice."

calypso gasped, but arvin was deep in memory.

"i loved that dog. i was madder than a nest of hornets when he sacrificed it. my mama died the next day, and then my daddy killed himself that night."

"shit," murmured calypso. "i guess he really did love her."

"what do you mean?" asked arvin.

"well, obviously i don't know, but it kinda seemed like he killed himself to be with her. like he loved her so much he couldn't live without her," said calypso tentatively.

arvin pondered that. "i guess that does make sense," he said, feeling like a weight had been lifted off his chest. "yeah, that's it."

"and then you got sent to live with your grandma?" asked callista.

"huh? oh. yeah," said arvin. "basically."

"well, i'm glad you're here now," said calypso, not knowing what else to say. she meant it, though.

"me too," said arvin, finally turning around to make eye contact.

both of them were suddenly aware of how close they were. they'd only need to lean in a little to connect their lips. arvin decided that he was done waiting. he put a finger under her chin, tilted her head up, and kissed her.

her lips were soft and plump. they tasted like strawberry lipstick. their lips moved in harmony for a few minutes. arvin slipped his tongue past her lips and deepened the kiss. he won the battle for dominance and explored her mouth. she tasted the mint and cigarettes on him. it was intoxicating.

they kissed for a few minutes. arvin was on cloud nine as he pulled her closer by her waist. she straddled his lap and began to grind her clothed heat on his cock. something didn't feel right, but it felt too good to stop. he continued to kiss her, his hands not leaving her waist, but when her hand snaked down to undo his belt he pulled away and stopped her.

"what's wrong?" asked calypso, confused. "did i do something wrong?"

"you don't want to do this," said arvin gently.

"what do you mean? of course i want to-"

"no, you don't," he interrupted. "look, i'm not just one of those guys who fucks you and leaves--"

"so you don't want me?" it was her turn to interrupt. tears welled up in her eyes at this rejection, but she held them in.

"no!" said arvin. "i want you, darlin'. more than anything. but you have to let me show you that i can love you for more than just your body."

calypso was taken aback. no one had ever said anything like that to her.

"you're so much more than just a pretty girl or a quick fuck," arvin said, planting a chaste kiss on her forehead. 

"i am pretty, though, right?" she joked, giggling a little.

"yes," said arvin with a laugh. "now sit down. let's get you to donna's."

"hey, isn't that the preacher's car?" asked calypso, pointing to a flashy white sports car.

"yeah, it is," said arvin. "what's he doing all the way out here?"

"i don't know," said calypso. "look, there's a girl in the car with him. oh my god, they're about to fuck." something about the preacher having sex didn't feel right. she wanted to puke.

"who is it?" asked arvin, feeling nauseous as well. 

"some brunette chick," said calypso. "let's get out of here."

they chatted lightly until they got to donna's. calypso grabbed her rucksack, and was about to get out when arvin caught hold of her arm.

"d'you wanna go to the drive-in one night?" he asked. "the actual drive in."

"i'd love to," said calypso, beaming.

"great," said arvin. "then it's a date." he shifted the truck into drive, but put on the brakes when he heard calypso call his name. "d'you need something, darlin?" he asked.

she ran up to the driver's side and pecked him on lips before running into the house. arvin russell drove back to his house with the biggest smile he'd worn in years.

𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕 (𝚊𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚗 𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚕)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora