Day 2020: An Alternate Day

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finally got around to writing a happy ending,


does it ever get lonely?
thinking you can live without me...

(Name) did, in fact, imagine the bus ride, but that didn't mean she was any different from before. Her mind was still decaying, yes. Decaying faster than everyone else, but she doesn't tell anyone about it. She hates being treated like some charity case. Though, this time around her imagination was wild loke before. To her, her parents were still kind and loving. Her doctors still couldn't save her, but they gave her permission to go to Seijoh. To still go to school. Everyone at school really did treat her like a little angel. Even Oikawa's fangirls.

But that wasn't the point. The point was that she hadn't met the third years yet. Sure, she did ride the bus, but not once did she converse with them. They were simply there. And she was there to.

The bus ride was still there, wasn't it?

She groaned as she banged her head onto the desk. Her head hurt, which was normal. It always hurt.

Her classmates were quick to notice her discomfort as they immediately asked her if everything was alright, and she merely smiled.

'Of course everything was alright.'

does it ever get lonely?
thinking you can live without me...

Days on end, not once had she made herself go and see the volleyball practice. No matter how much she actually wanted to, truth be told.

So, she merely smiled and ignored her curiosity. Everyone stopping in the middle of class to watch her smile happily and hum to herself.

'What an angel~.'

does it ever get lonely?
thinking you can live without me...


The teacher's voice rung out, another day. Another day. Another day without talking to the third years once again even though she had a chance to that morning on the same bus.

Her head hurt...

"Yes, ma'am?"

"Can you take these books to the library?"

"Of course-"

"No! Let me!"

"No me!"

"Jerks! Let me do it teach!"

(Name) giggled to herself, "I can do it, ma'am."

The teacher nodded as she gave the books to (Name) who had gotten up to get to the teacher's desk. All the boys who had volunteered, had immediately started to sulk and sit back in their desks.

does it ever get lonely?
thinking you can live without me...

The books were definitely heavy for (Name), but she was determined to get them to the library no matter what!

"Just a little f-farther," she muttered to herself, but just as she turned the corner someone had ran right into her. The books falling and tumbling out of her hold. A corner of a book hitting her right onto her toes as she yelped. The sudden impact of the unknown body sending her back. Though, she was thankfully caught. An arm wrapping around her waist and bringing her back up before she could hit the ground.

"I'm so sorry about that."

When she finally opened her eyes, she completely froze in place. It was none other than Iwaizumi himself. Oikawa seeming to poke his head out from the corner a second later as he looked at the scene.

"Well, at least we know why the no running rule is in the school," he said with a smile.

Iwaizumi huffed at his friend as he let go of (Name). All three of them going to the floor to pick up the books.

"It's fine," (Name) suddenly said, "I mean, if it meant getting rid of gross math books, then I would be happy to throw myself at a wall chalked full of them."

Iwaizumi snorted at that along with Oikawa, and (Name) could only grin.

That was when Oikaw finally looked at her, and a light smile decorated his face.

And (Name)?

She couldn't help but to gulp. Her chest seeming to tighten. Her face reddening slightly. Her heart skipping a beat or two. Her head still hurting as it always did. The self decay becoming more and more evident as she looked at the third year before her. Iwaizumi seeming to smirk to himself at the obvious scene as he decided to take the books to the library himself since it was obvious that that was where she was heading.

"What's your name?"

"(Surname) (Name), and you," she asked. Though she already knew the answer...

"Oikawa Tooru."

And as he helped her up, she realized that she wanted to get to know him just a bit more.

Somebody. Can somebody catch my breath?

does it get lonely?
thinking you can live without me...

"Yeah, it gets very lonely."

Oikawa tilted his head to the side, "hmm?"

(Name) laughed to herself then as she held out her hand to him, "it's nothing. Now, mind if I use a pickup line on you, Oikawa?"

the end :)

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