Day 10: No Entry- (part 2)

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Once I got to school, I tried my best not to limp. Though, that in itself was proving to be difficult.

"This sucks," someone said off to the side. My attention immediately snapping over as I gazed a another girl who was crying silently.

Making a quick decision, I went over to her. She was sitting against a wall. Her knees pulled up to her chest with her arms hugging herself.

"What's wrong," I asked gently. My han old resting on her shoulder as I squatted down to her level.

The pain started to spread throughout my back and stomach. It honestly felt like I was getting the wind knocked out of me.


She started to cry even more which only caused me to wrap my arms around her.

"It's ok, it's all going to be ok."

She in return wrapped her arms around me. Her tears coming down even harder.

All the while, other students could only smile gently as they walked passed. They knew not to interrupt.

"What an angel," mumbled one girl.

"I know, my boyfriend wouldn't even do that for me."

"She truly is the nicest person in this school."


"Hey, is it just me, or...does the little angel look to pain...?"

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