14- Relationships

Start from the beginning

I walked towards her and she asked, "Have you seen Draco? He's been MIA since lunch!" She whined.

"Sorry, haven't seen him," I answered and went to sit at the Gryffindor table with Ron.

When I sat down he spat out his drink all over the table. I giggled to myself as he frantically tried cleaning up.

"Seriously Ron? You got that all over the place!" Granger whined.

"Here let me help," I said and picked up napkins and helped clean up his mess.

"No, it's fine, I got it," He said and tried to clean but ended up knocking over Granger's class as well.

"Ron!" She screamed as her water drenched her robes. She got up and stormed to the bathroom to dry herself off.

"It's just water, geez," Ron said and I laughed.

"Let me clean this," I wiped the table clean in seconds and Ron just sat there. "Easy," I said as I sat the napkins down on the table and took a seat.

"Thanks," Ron mumbled. He was obviously embarrassed.

"You too are a cute couple," Longbottom complemented and both me and Ron's face went as red as a tomato.

"Neville I-" Ron started.

"We aren't"- I began to say.

"Are we?" Ron asked.

"Are we?" I repeated as we both were stuttering and fumbling over our word. Were we even a thing?
"Shut up and kiss already!" Potter said while Ginny was laughing away.

"I guess we are," Ron smiled at me and I smiled back. I could feel how hot my face was.

As we ate in silence, Ron held my hand under the table like we were boyfriend and girlfriend. I guess we know we are, thanks to Longbottom and Potter.

After dinner, I rushed to my bed to write in my journal. My grandmother gave me a journal to write down all the amazing experiences I've had at Hogwarts when I was a first year. I've never had anything to write about until now.
As I was speed walking to the girl's dormitory I heard my name being called and I turned out to see Theodore behind me.

"Draco wants you," He said. Draco? Now? I was just about to finally write something in my diary! I guess it could wait. I was curious as to where he went all day anyways.

I walked to the boy's dormitory and knocked on the door.

"Come in," I heard a tired voice say. I walked in to see Draco by himself on his bed. I assumed he kicked everyone out so he could talk to me.

When I entered, I made a noise cancelling charm on the room.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked him as I moved towards his bed.

"Yes," He replied.

"Is it about our marks?" I questioned and I bit my lip waiting for a response. If this is about our dark marks, this couldn't be good. Voldemort has only really contacted Draco so I thought that maybe he called me here to inform me. So many conclusions ran through my mind as I anticipated his response.

"No," He replied blankly. A whole weight was lifted off my shoulders. "What are you so happy about?" He questioned.

I thought about telling him about Ron but I decided to not tell him about it.

"Nothing," I said.

"I saw you kiss Weasley," He blurted out. He looked over at me waiting for what I was going to say. Could that have been why I didn't see him the rest of the day? Was he mad I didn't tell him about me and Ron?

"You did?" I didn't even know he was there. He nodded. "Well yeah. We kissed. He asked me to this ball that's happening after the holiday. Then tonight at dinner, he spilled his drink all over the table and I tried helping him clean it but he ended up spilling Hermione's drink too. Then, Neville Longbottom said we were a cute couple and me and Ron were like 'oh we arent' and Harry was like 'just shut up and kiss already' and yeah long story short we're boyfriend and girlfriend now," I rambled and looked at Draco who held a straight face.

Draco's POV


Hearing her ramble on and on about this guy hurt. Of course, I'll act like I don't care and that It doesn't me but in reality, it does. I held a straight face and I kept my emotions trapped inside, as usual.

"You're dating Weasley?" I asked and she nodded happily. "Never saw that coming," I said blankly.

"What do you mean?" She questioned and sat at the foot of my bed.

"Tell me," She said and stared at me in anticipation. She's so stubborn and I love it.

"You didn't tell me. You lied to me when I asked why you were so happy," I changed the subject.

"I didn't want to bore you with my love life," She said. Why won't she tell me things anymore? I feel that as we grow older, all we do is grow farther and farther apart. When we were younger, she used to tell me everything and I'd always listen. Now, I'm the bad guy who she can't stand. What happened?

"You didn't want to bore me? I'm supposed to be your best friend, right? What happened to that?" I asked harshly. I could tell I surprised her by my change of tone and I immediately regretted it.

"Best friend? Best friends aren't rude, selfish, and obnoxious," She yelled. I was taken back by this. She really thought of me like that, huh?
"Fine. Why don't you go running to your little Gryffindor friends to tell them about your boring love life. I don't know why I even bother with you. Our friendship is over. Have fun with Weasley. When that group drops you for being a slytherin, don't you dare come running back to me. Oh and have fun with Voldemort. I'm not helping you," I barked. I let my jealousy take over my words. Of course, I'll always be there for her and I'll always help her with anything dark mark related.

I looked up at her as tears fell from her eyes. "Fine, we're done!" She cried and ran out. I felt absolutely terrible. I made her cry, plus I lost her forever. What am I going to do next? I screwed everything up.

I walked around the room and threw a few things at the wall. Not my stuff of course, but I didn't care. I really fucked up this time.

A/N: Thanks again for 100 views and enjoy two chapters in one night :) -nessa<3

The Right Thing To Do  { Draco Malfoy }On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara