Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV

"You want us to WHAT?" I asked Steve. "Look y/n we need to know what they're planning and Natasha's on another mission. Plus you and your brother may be young, but you're the most qualified for the job.

Right now Steve Rodgers was telling me that me and t'challa (shuri's doesn't really exist in this story and if she does she's not related to you) had to go on a mission which required us having to go to this catholic school. If you couldn't tell I wasn't very fond of the idea.

"N/n(nick name) you've been on far more dangerous missions. I know you'll do just fine on this one." Clint said. "I'm not scared about the mission, I just don't want to go to this catholic school, whatever you call it." "N/n someone has to go on this mission and literally no one here could pass for a teenager." T'challa said. There was silence while I thought with my resting bitch face of my arms crossed.

I sighed "alright fine we'll do it."

✨Time skip✨

Right now some teacher was walking me and t'challa to the classroom. I already hate it here.

"Alright class today we have two new students, who are also twins." I rolled my eyes at how excited the teacher sounded. T'challa nudged me with his elbow then gave me the look that said "Come on it's not that bad." While he did that, I knew he wasn't happy to be hear either. We were twins, but while other twins would joke that they could feel when the other one was near, we actually could. Honestly I can't really explain it, but one of us could genuinely feel when the other one was hurt. We could even tell what the other one was thinking. Everyone always joked about how we were almost the same person in different fonts.

"Well guys would you like to introduce yourselves?" I sighed. "Well my name's y/n and that's pretty much it." "And uh my name's t'challa and that's also pretty much it." I notice that when we walked in and introduced ourselves, everyone seem to have their eyes glued onto us. However, the people who seemed the most curious about us we're these 4 girls. They all kind of seemed like outcasts.

"Um ok well y/n and t'challa, you can both sit next to bonnie. I saw the girl who I'm guessing was bonnie tense up and look down. She seemed nervous.

Bonnie's POV

"Alright class today we have two new students, who are also twins." I heard my teacher say. I looked up to see 2 people. The 1st one was a guy who I'm just guessing is the older twin.

....Then, I saw the other twin. She was incredibly attractive and she looked extremely intimidating. Both of the twins were pretty attractive people, but I was more focused on the girl. She had these piercing eyes that literally looks like they could stare into someone's soul (ironic I know🤠)

I started getting butterflies in my stomach. I always knew I was into girls as well, but I never told anyone. I was already an outcast and I didn't need to feel even worse about myself, because people were so close-minded.

They introduced to themselves like they didn't want to be here. Honestly I couldn't blame them though. "Um ok well y/n and t'challa you can both sit next to Bonnie."

When the she said that I tensed up and slouched in my chair. I was looking down the whole time afraid to make eye contact.

Y/n's POV

The teacher told us which one was Bonnie and we next to her with me on her left and t'challa on her right.

Eventually the period ended and we all left class. Me and t'challa had a free period, so we just sat at a random lunch table outside farther away from everyone.

Bonnie's POV

Me, nancy, and rochelle sat on the side of a cement thing for flowers I don't know. We were watching the new students. They just seemed....strange, even more strange than I would expect.

Y/n...that was her name. It was beautiful. I think I can say she's the most attractive person I've ever seen. I may or may not already have a crush on her, but what if she's not even into girls? She could very easily be straight and I just won't have a chance with her. I mean it's not like I would even have a chance with her. I mean I'm a freak and she's do I explain it.

"I don't understand them." Nancy said as she stared at the twins. "I know they're just so mysterious. I can't wrap my head around them." Rochelle said. "Do you guys think know." I told them not taking my eyes off y/n. "That's the thing, I don't know. I don't even know what to think about them. Their just unreadable I'd don't know." Nancy said with a frustrated voice.

Y/n's POV

Me and t'challa were talking about how we couldn't wait to get out of this school when my brother noticed the three girls from earlier staring at us.

"N/n those girls from earlier.... They're just staring at us.

I followed his gays and looked over to where his attention was

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I followed his gays and looked over to where his attention was. There they were....just staring at us. I looked back over to my brother. "What do you think they want?" "I don't know, but I'm gonna find out." I didn't look back at the girls but I did read their minds to see what they were thinking.

They didn't know anything about us, but they were starting to get curious. Hopefully they just let it go, because while I will if I have to, I'm just not in the mood for having to kill a bunch of unnecessary people in the process of this mission.

✨Time skip✨

School ended and we went back to the avengers tower.

"Sooo how was school today?" "Oh shut it stark." I said as I threw my bag and sat down on the couch. T'challa sat down next to me and laid back on the couch. Thor, clint, tony, banner, and Steve all sat down.

"These girls at school we're starting to get curious. They don't know anything about us, but I can tell they're trying to figure it out." "But don't worry, if they even figure out anything I could just wipe their mind before they have a chance to tell anyone."

We all discussed different things and sooner than I thought it was already late. Everyone's a good night to each other and pretty much went to bed. However, I was very much awake still.

I was currently standing on the balcony when my brother stepped on to the balcony with me. He walked up next to me as I was looking up at the sky.

"T'challa if things were different do you think mom and dad would have still kept us?" "Oh I'm sure. You know their trying their best to be good parents." "Yeah I know it's just that with Natasha raising us and all. I mean we only met our actual parents a year ago." You know y/n, you may mostly have mom's powers, but you take a lot after our father." I chuckled "thanks I guess." After a lot of talking, we were talking about things we did back when we found out Laura was our sister (I forgot to mention that Logan didn't get older and Jean didn't die).

"Do you remember when that guy tried to kill laura, so you flung him into a building?" T'challa asked laughing. We talked for a little while longer until we knew we had to go to sleep. We said good night and went to our rooms.

Today was honestly just a pretty normal day considering all the other crazy ones I've had. Whatever I'll think more about it tomorrow.

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