31. I Let You Win (camp)

Start from the beginning

(Time skip to after school.)

Kageyama and Hinata has dropped Yamaguchi off at his house. Hinata looked up at Kageyama with a mischievous smirk.
"I bet I can beat you to my house."

Kageyama looked down arching his eyebrow.
"Okay but I win we have to finish what you started this morning."

"Deal." Hinata said and he and Kageyama both took off running towards Hinata's.
Kageyama beat Hinata.

Hinata sat on his couch completely out of breath Kageyama sat  next to him.
He looked over and realized that Hinata's face was really red.  He was still wearing Kageyama's scarf and his school jacket plus he was in heat.

Kageyama grabbed the scarf from around Hinata's neck and pulled it off .
"Your gonna over heat dumbass." He said and pulled Hinata down so his head was in his lap.

A few minutes later Hinata caught his breath.
He stayed laying down on Kageyama's lap.

Kageyama looked down at him realizing he had fallen asleep. Kageyama looked at Hinata's neck and stared at his mark for a minute before subconsciously taking a finger and tracing around the outline of it. He really wasn't sure why he was doing it or what had made him feel the need to do it but he really couldn't stop himself.

Suddenly he felt Hinata's hand around his wrist in a death grip causing him to stop. In fact he hadn't even known until that moment that Hinata could grab something that hard.

"What are you doing?" Hinata asked. Kageyama could sense the small amount of fear in his voice.

"I didn't mean-" Kageyama stopped talking when Hinata sat up and looked at him a bit bewildered.

Hinata just sat there quietly for a minute. Trying to think of how to word the question he was about to ask.
"Where you trying to make me go into a wave of heat?" He finally asked somewhat quietly.

Kageyama stared at him. He had completely forgotten the touching or messing with a mark weather or not it was temporary or permanent it would cause a Omega to have a wave of heat.
"No.. I-"

Hinata cut him off.
"It's okay if that what you wanted I'm not mad just don't do it when I'm asleep."
Then he took off his school jacket and shirt.

"What are you doing?" Kageyama asked staring Hinata who was now shirtless.

"I'm hot." Was all Hinata could manage to say.
He climbed onto Kageyama's lap.

Kageyama could see Hinata's eyes were completely glazed over his body felt like it was on fire and he once again smelled sickeningly sweet like someone had taken a bowl of of oranges and vanilla and covered them with syrup.

Hinata put his head against Kageyama's shoulder and whispered.
"I let you you, Just so you know."

Kageyama smirked and within seconds had managed to get Hinata off him and pinned him down onto the couch with his arms to his sides so he was over him.

He didn't want to go into a rut and completely lose control so he tried to gather his thoughts and keep them from being scattered. But his head was beginning to fill with fog and he was having a hard time focusing. He leaned down close to Hinata's ear and growled.
"Tell me what you want Omega."

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