chapter twenty two

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In the morning they went back to rh clubhouse both of the girls excited to see Iris.

While the women chatted over breakfast Ty slipped out to the garage, he walked along all the sleek black motorcycles, running his hand along the shiny polish.

This had been all his life was for years, harleys, leather jackets, fights, jail time, a different woman a different town until now. Until Elizabeth and her girls.

"Why don't you take mine for a spin?" Demon asked walking out of the back.

"I'd love to but I don't want to leave Liz."

"Take her with you, if she wants to be a part of your life let her see the real parts. Take her for a ride."

Ty debated what Demon was saying he wanted Liz and her girls in his life, but so far they had only seen one side of him maybe he needed to let her see the rest.

He found her sitting at a table inside talking to Morgan and Lacy. He smiled and gave the other two ladies a wave before sitting next to her.

"Hey, " she smiled at him.

"Hey, I was wondering what your plans for lunch are."

"Oh, Morgan wanted to take the girls out and then to build a bear. Is that okay?"

"That's fine, I just thought maybe we could go for a ride just the two of us."

"I could take the girls myself it's no trouble really, " Morgan interjected.

"Oh...I can't ask you to do that, " liz said.

"It's fine ill tag along, " Lacey offered.

"Okay, if you're sure." Liz stalled a little but the other women persisted.

Eventually he finally had her settled on the back of his brothers bike, her body pressed against his back holding on tightly to him.

"You don't have to be nervous, " he said before pulling onto the street.

"I know, I've just never rode a bike before."

"I'll take it slow."

He drove town showing her his old haunts, telling her stories at every chance hoping to ingrain her into his life, praying she wasn't frightened away.

They had a small lunch at one of his favorite cafes and then he drove back to the motel at her request.
He was nervous as he parked the bike unsure of why she had asked to return. He thought things were going well when she leaned in closer and asked it they could go to the motel.

She climbed from the bike and smiled warmly at him and he watched her approach her room she stopped and then turned back to him.

"Are you coming?" She asked.

He got off the bike following her into her and the girls room. He closed the door behind him out of habit.

"Is something wrong? Did I scare you?" He asked.

She turned to face him and then slowly without a word peeled her t-shirt off her body and tossed it aside.

"No, I....i thought maybe..." She trailed off.

"That's not what I had planned, honest. I don't want you to do anything you're going to regret."

"I won't regret it, " she said softly.

"Come here, " he said holding out a hand.

He could have just as easily walked to her but he wanted her to take the next step, he wanted her to know it was her choice.

She crossed the room taking his hqnd and he pulled her closer, his hands gently trailing her lower back.
With shaking hands she pulled off his shirt and let her hands rest against his chest.

"I don't have much experience, " she admitted.

"That's okay."

"Its been a long time."

"I know, it's okay. We can stop anytime."

She gave a small nod and he leaned down to kiss her a slow deep kiss that she returned her arms going around his neck.

Her hands slid down his body gripping his belt and sliding it free, his button and zipper next she pushed his jeans to his ankles where they got tangled in his boots.
She slid her hand under the waistband of his boxers and he stopped her.

"Let me get my shoes, " he said quickly against her lips.

She gave a small nod and backed away kicking off her own shows and jeans.

Underneath she wore a light pink satin bra and matching panties, they were simple, plain but feminine just like her.
He kicked off his shoes and pants just as she lay down on the bed on her back.

He came down gently on top of her carefully moving between her legs and leaning down to kiss her again. He let his hands roam her curves, taking his time. When he moved to push down her panties he froze.
A large scar cut across her abdomen, it was light pink in color and shiny like satin he could feel it under his fingertips.

"Oh, " she quickly pulled her panties up and rolled to her side.

"Sweetheart it's okay, I'm sorry it just.
.surprised me. That's all." He promised.

"I'm sorry I forgot it was there, you can turn the light's out if it helps." She said.

"No, I don't want the lights out. What happened? What did he do to you?" Did he ask?

He reached out to stroke her cheek which was pink with embarrassment.

"Nothing, he didn't do it. The girls....i....they were in distress. I had to let them do something we would have all died."

A C-section scar, he wasn't stupid but it never occurred to him that she may not have birthed the girl's the traditional way.

"It's okay it's fine, " he said pulling her panties down again this time tossing them somewhere.

"Are you sure? It doesn't turn you off?" She asked tears in her eyes.

He shook his head sinking to his knees at the foot of the bed he leaned forward placing a kiss on the scar in question.

"No, baby it doesn't turn me off, " he said trialing kisses lower down her body effectively ending the discussion.

Ty's chance *An Animals MC Novel*Where stories live. Discover now