Chapter Twenty Three.

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His cell phone vibrating on the bedside table woke Ty up some time later, he sat up feeling blindly for his phone in the darkened room. Catching it he flipped it open while rubbing the sleep from his eyes.


"You need to get back here, now." Wolf said sharply.

"What? Why? What's wrong?" Ty asked, aware of Elizabeth stirring and sitting up beside him.

"There's been a situation."

"Is it Zeke? Becky?...oh...oh don't tell me it's the baby?"


"Then who?" He asked, placing a hand on Liz's naked thigh.

"Ty,  someone took the girls." Wolf said gently.

He felt his heart stop and his chest constrict painfully, he looked beside him and his face must have reflected his horror because Liz backed away instantly.

"We'll be there," He said before hanging up.

He turned to Liz who was now watching him shaking her head, tears already building in her eyes.

"Baby...we need to go...okay?"

"My girls...Ty..."

"I'm going to find them, I promise."

"No! No! not my girls!" She broke starting to sob, her breathing erratic and voice growing more panicked.


"I shouldn't have left them! I never should have left them! I was supposed to keep them safe! I promised, I promised them!"

He caught her by the shoulders, her shaking was so bad he could barely grasp her thin frame.

"I'm going to find them, I promise. No matter what happens, no matter who has them or where, I'll find them, but first we have to go back to the club."

She managed a feeble nod through her tears but made no move to get up. He climbed from the bed pulling on his boxers, jeans and t-shirt quickly. He then grabbed her shirt and pulled it over her head as if she were a child, she stood to fumble with her jeans as he pulled on his jacket and shoes.  She sank onto the bed like a zombie to pull on her shoes and he quickly ducked into his own room next door, grabbing an Animals MC sweatshirt he returned and handed it to her before dropping to his knees to help her with her shoes.

"Let's go," He urged gently pulling her to her feet.

 They were hurrying across the parking lot when she stopped, he glanced over at her as she slowly pulled her cell phone from her pocket. She lifted it with a trembling hand to her ear to answer.


"I told you, those are my kids and you wouldn't keep them from me."

"Please, please just...just tell me where they are, let me talk to them."

"The time for talking is over now Liz, you'll never see them again."

"No, I'll...I'll come back. Just, tell me where you all are...we...we can be a family," She promised her voice trembling and eyes filling with more tears. 

Ty shook his head not wanting her to dig herself into more trouble, but when he reached for her arm she shrugged away from him.

"You honestly think I want you back after you've been slumming it with that biker for the past few weeks?"

"Please, I...I will stay this time. I'm sorry, just...let me come with my girls."


The line went dead and for a long second she stood in the parking lot, her hand shaking, lower lip trembling.

Ty's chance *An Animals MC Novel*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora