Prologue: Breaking Down Walls

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Hailie Appleton didn't seem like someone who'd lived a tragic life. With a seemingly perfect lifestyle, undeniable beauty, and inspiring friends, it was hard to believe she had suffered. Yet, like many, her childhood was marked by mistreatment at home. But that's not the heart of this story. What shaped her more than the abuse was the indifference of those around her. It was ironic—she devoted herself to helping others, yet no one ever reciprocated. That all changed when Axl Rose entered her life. He was different, more damaged.

When you hear the name Axl Rose, you might think of a violent person, an alcoholic, a drug addict, a womanizer, or just another arrogant celebrity. You might even think of a lyrical genius, a handsome man, or someone you'd dream of meeting. While some of these portrayals might be true, Axl believed the media had no right to dictate how people should view him, regardless of the accuracy of their claims.

Axl's fiery temper was no surprise. His face would match his red hair when he was enraged, and his frustration often led him to lash out at objects or people. It wasn't intentional malice; he just saw red and reacted. Hailie understood this about him. No matter the harsh judgments cast by the media, she saw the best in him. She was always there for him, offering support and care. Their similarities made them nearly perfect together, a union no one could challenge. His respect for her deepened over time, becoming more mature and robust, like a fine wine. Hailie was unfailingly kind, always putting others before herself, never short with him, no matter how exhausted she was. Axl's admiration for her was profound and enduring.

Hailie seemed to be the only one who could truly connect with him, breaking through his defenses to reveal the person he truly was. Their love was transformative; it was no surprise when they fell for each other. Axl had never experienced this kind of love before—one where he felt safe to share his deepest secrets, knowing they would be kept sacred. They couldn't imagine life without each other, having found in each other a perfect complement. Axl's bandmates appreciated Hailie for making Axl a more positive and less aggressive person, and Hailie was grateful for Axl's genuine care, which made her feel valued and content.

Their love was nothing short of soulmate-level. Finding your mate means becoming the greatest of lovers and the greatest of warriors, vowing to fight for love until it has brought peace. A soulmate will love you, live for you, and even die for you, knowing that their death will mean yours too. Time spent with someone who loves you is paradise. They demonstrated bravery and noble intent in their fight for love, having come together at a time when they were ready and strong enough to overcome the dark forces that might have torn them apart. It takes a warrior to lay down emotional defenses and replace anger with love.

Axl longed for someone who saw beyond his public persona, someone who understood the real him—William Bruce Rose Jr.—not the façade he used to escape his past. He wanted to be proud of his journey, of how far he had come, and to achieve that with the perfect partner: Hailie Appleton.

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