Chapter 2

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-Chapter 2!!-

Andy turned over to the side of the bed where her nightstand was placed. She quickly grabbed her phone and her face lit up at the notification. It was her second notification from the dating app since she had it and she was excited.

"This should be a good one" she whispered to herself while unlocking the phone.

She immediately clicked yes at his profile picture. She then began reading his profile and although she thought it was pretty basic she figured a try wouldn't hurt especially after seeing the profile photo.

Before she really went to sleep she decided to send him a quick inbox message. She didn't know exactly what to say so she settled on a simple "Hi" and placed it back on the side table and snuggled back into her bed before falling asleep.

{Roberts POV}

Robert knew that he was planning on retreating soon and he had an idea of where he wanted to go after and what his career plan would look like.

He never really was a boyfriend type in High School. He was always just a good friend that was there for everyone and he was really smart and funny. He never settled with any of the girls that tried to talk to him. He knew he was always just a little taller than everyone and people found him insanely cute but he really just wanted to focus on graduating and moving on with his life.

Robert woke up on another early morning and he immediately got dressed and went down to eat his breakfast. He then did his usual workout routine and he also trained the new recruits while doing so. He then dismissed them to shower and change and he did so himself.

After he showered he caught himself a small break before they had to be sent out to the fields so he opened up his laptop and scrolled through the online dating site.

He was sure he wasn't going to find anything he liked in someone but he just found the site funny and even though he joined it he didn't really expect nothing to come from it.

After a short 10 minutes of scrolling he stopped and took a look at one profile. The first thing that attracted him to look just a little harder was her smile. It was so bright it could light up the dark sky. He then examined the picture of which only showed her face and he knew that this could be his potential.

He searched and read her whole Bio of what she had enlisted and it wasn't much to give but what she did give out was enough to tell him that this girl was special and she was really nice. He looked at his watch and realized that he had 5 minutes to get on the field so he quickly accepted her and closed his laptop and placed it back into his suitcase and locked it up.

{Andys POV} -9:30AM-

She woke up happy and refreshed. She immediately ran into her bathroom and took a shower and did her whole morning routine. She was lucky that Ryan didn't show up this morning because he would definitely catch on to her happy self.

She quickly threw on a tank top and some leggings and went into the kitchen. She made herself a berry smoothie and a bagel with a side of cream cheese and sat on her couch. She then turned on her favorite show and began to watch it.

While in the midst of her eating and watching she received the same little message tone just like last night and she immediately picked up the phone.

"Hi sorry it's late but I was at work and I assume we may have a time difference" she read the message and was slightly confused. She knew about time differences but she didn't know that somewhere where he was it was well into the evening already and where she was it was the early morning.

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