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If I could be anything, I'd be an airpilot. Why, you ask? Well, it's pretty simple. I'd get to go anywhere I like whenever I like. It would be an adventurous journey. Waiting for my arrival. Waiting for the arrival of Sydney Jones.

I erase the statement.
There would never be any way possible to ever achieve that goal.
That would be dreams and goals of successful beings.
What I'm not. And will never be.

I pack up my notebook and pens. I carefully place them into my bag. Making sure not to wrinkle any of the pages.
I stand up from my desk and make my way to the cafeteria.
In my view, I notice two girls. I quickly turn the other way and try to not bring attention.

"Shit and he was just such a ass- oh,wait. Is that Sydney Jones?"


"Ohhh I think it is! What are you doing trying to ignore us?" Both the girls start walking my direction. I turn their way.

"You deaf or something?"

"No." I reply.

"Then what's your fucking problem?" One of the girls push me.

I stay silent.

"Aww what? Is your daddy being abusive again? I'm soooo sorry you're such a pathetic punching bag," the same girl states.

"Fuck you." I mumble.

"What. Did. You. Say." She says as she puts her arm up against the locker pinning me there.


"That's what I thought." She removes her arm. "Just watch your back, alright?" She mischievously grins and walks off with her classmate.

"What a fucking loser" the classmate says and laughs.

I look down at the ground.
I feel it's the only thing I can relate to.
Being stepped on.
By everyone.
By them.
And that's its only use.
Its only purpose.
To be walked all over on.

I look away and start walking home. I normally take the bus but I just can't. I can't stand all the nasty, inconsiderate people. I make my way home. To the one place I rather not be. The only place that makes me feel worse than school. But the only place that I could run to.

As the house comes into view, so does a red truck parked in the driveway.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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