Chapter 7: The Big Bad Game

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    The Bookball game was about to begin. Stands were filled to the brim with rambunctious crowds cheering rowdily while waiting for the game to start. Cerise had already been exhausted after carrying the float through the parade, but she was determined to make a last-ditch effort to help.

    She trotted over to the team ready to give a full-blown speech about how she was ready to help, and that another team member wouldn't hurt. Besides, since Dexter was probably going to spend most of his time on the bench, they were going to need one more man.

    "Hey." She called to Daring. Just as she did so, Sparrow stepped in front of her and blocked her path.

    "No." He said firmly.

    "I haven't even said anything yet."

    "You don't have to, I know what you want." He crossed his arms. "And the answer is no."

    "Fine." Cerise grunted. She rolled her eyes and walked away, not before Daring jogged up to her.

    "We... are gonna need all the help we can get." He said, turning to face her.

    "What are you saying?"

    "Look, I have full confidence in my team." He sighed. "But I don't think we can do this. I'm saying that if we start to fail, and can't put this team back together again, I give you full permission to run out onto that field and win. No matter what Sparrow says."

    "Yes sir." She saluted him and watched him jog back to the team. It might have seemed wrong to start wishing for your school team to fail, but as Cerise made her way back to the stands it was the only thing she could think about.

    A whistle sounded from the field and the cheer team silenced. Headmaster Grimm stepped onto the painted grass and began to speak. "Welcome all to this year's Thronecoming Bookball game!" He boomed. Applause filled the stadium once again. "This year Ever After High is going up against Beanstalk High." Thunder roared from the clouds above where the giants from Beanstalk High were watching.

    "I also have one more quick announcement!" He yelled over the crowd's cheers. "Join us later this evening before the dance, in Storybook Plaza. Raven Queen has agreed to sign the Storybook of Legends!" Half the crowd cheered, while the other half just groaned. Cerise grunted. Everyone knew she was being forced. It was just a matter of time before history repeated itself and the book would, once again, go unsigned.

    The whistle was blown once more, and the game began. Daring hiked the ball to Hunter Huntsman, who made a strong pass to Sparrow. Sparrow caught the ball and quickly began weaving in and out through the giant's legs. Tiny defended Sparrow as they went, drawing the fire of the other giants.

    Sparrow then tossed the ball to Dexter who fumbled a few feet before he even had the chance to score. This gave one of the giants a chance to grab the ball and step to the other side of the field, scoring Beanstalk High 6 points.

    The game went downhill from there. The team's strategy was solid, but they just weren't fast enough to outmatch the giants. By halftime the scoreboard read zero to fifty.

   The Ever After High Bookball team got into position. As Dexter stepped up to his point, he was stopped by Daring. After a moment Dexter walked off the field looking relieved. Daring motioned for Cerise to take up Dexter's position.

    Raven gave Cerise a questioning look as she left the stands.

    "Wish me luck!" Cerise leapt over the fence and joined the team.

    "What is she-" Sparrow began.

    "Hike!" Daring yelled purposefully over Sparrow. Hunter hiked the ball to Daring who immediately passed it to Cerise. Determined, she ran as fast as a cheetah, finding her way quickly to the other side of the field. Touchdown! Ever After High scored its first few points.

    This happened again and again. Soon Ever After High had tied up with Beanstalk high.

    "Huddle up!" Daring shouted. Cerise joined the team in a tight circle, linking arms with the others. "This is the moment of truth! There are thirty seconds left on the clock, whichever team scores these next points is the winner. Are we gonna be winners?"

   "Yes sir!" As Cerise shouted this with the rest of the team, she could feel herself fill with joy. This was all she had wanted, to be on the team... part of a pack, and now that she was, she couldn't help but smile.

    "Let's get out there and crush these giants!" The team cheered and made their way to the starting positions. Cerise looked over to Sparrow who nodded at her and smiled with embarrassment.

   The last play of the game began. The ball made it to the team and was passed around till it reached Cerise. She ran for the line and didn't stop. A couple yards from a touchdown a particularly large giant stepped in front of her.

    Daring saw what happened and ran to the finish as fast as he could, signaling to Cerise that he was open. Cerise aimed true and threw the ball to Daring just as he crossed the line, and the game was over. Ever After High had won.

    The crowd rushed to its feet, and the whole stadium filled with excitement for the amazing comeback. All Cerise could do was smile and wave.

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