Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Meri returned to the spot where she could admire the Christmas lights flickering brightly against the star studded sky. With the moon fully risen, it added a silvery glow that only enchanted her more.

The peace of the area filled her until the chill settled into her bones. She shivered and wondered whether to return to her hotel room, but she couldn't bring herself to move away from the stunning vista before her.

The crunch of footsteps through the ice made Meri look around. It was hard to see much in the dark until Sander's frustrated face came into the light of one of the many lamps dotted around. He headed straight to where she sat and that surprised her.

"Hello again," Meri said softly and Sander froze, obviously not expecting anyone.

"Are you a part of that group?" Sander snapped and that startled Meri.

"What group?" she asked even while her heart sank, knowing he meant that group of women.

"The ones here for the vision box?"

"What the heck's a vision box?" Meri couldn't hide her puzzlement.

"They make shows to entertain and bring us news. They also bring in shows that the humans make, ridiculous shows that my father insists on watching. I'm certain that's where he received this insane idea!" Sander replied sourly, his face puckering with distaste.

"Do you mean television?" Meri asked with a frown.

"The box with pictures."

"Yep, sounds like a television alright."

"Did you know they intend to do a show on me dating those human women? It's a matchmaking show!" Sander exclaimed.

"No, I didn't know that," Meri admitted

"Are you a part of it?"

Turquoise eyes stared through a pair of glasses at her, and even in the darkness, their brightness showed. Thoughts flew through Meri's mind and too many of them focused on Sander.

"I was told I won a holiday, but how suspicious is it that I'm here at the same time as that group of women?" Meri mused.

"Won a holiday? There's never been a competition to win a holiday here," Sander stated and Meri's heart sank.

"Then I must be here for the same reason the other women are. The only difference is that I didn't know I would be a part of a show, and I didn't ask for it. I'm sorry if you think I've somehow invaded your privacy, it was never my goal," Meri stood from the bench and began to walk away.

Sander went to say something and stopped. Why did she think she'd won a holiday while all the other women knew about the show? He watched her leave with a growing frown.

Once she disappeared into the darkness, Sander had an odd sense of loneliness grip him. Never in his life had he suffered such an an all absorbing despair. With difficulty he pushed his angst aside and prepared to deal with all that this stupid show could make him endure.

Meri kept moving back towards the hotel with her mind scrambling to make sense of everything. Her distress at the way Sander had reacted only continued to increase.

Her dread at the thought of being a part of a matchmaking show swirled her stomach to knots as well. At least the women's gowns now made sense, they knew they were on screen and had a chance to look their best. Meri had never had any chance.

What had happened to her holiday in Santa's Village? How had things changed so drastically? Would could she do about it now?

"There you are, Meri. I've been looking everywhere for you," Holly's voice had Meri snapping her head in the woman's direction.

#Naughty or # Nice (The Holidaze Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now