Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Meri's pleasure over the sparkling trees had left her in a wondrous mood that warmed her as much as Sander's mitts. When he led her towards one of the buildings with golden lights glowing from the windows, she could only smile wider.

Christmas carols filled the air when Sander opened the door. Meri glimpsed the roaring fire, which instantly warmed her, while the aroma of strong spices swirled around her

It was a pub, complete with a huge wooden bar that gleamed. All of the patrons greeted them with a hearty chorus and a raise of glasses. Ruddy, grinning faces welcomed Meri into the building.

Sander led her to the bar, "two of the mulled honey wine, Noel," Sander said as he tapped the bar.

"I've opened a new batch tonight, Sander, it's a little on the strong side," Noel warned.

"Try me," Sander insisted.

"Who's your young lady?" Noel asked as he poured a strangely glowing liquid into two glasses.

"Hi, I'm Meri," Meri held her hand out. "Oh, right, you have that different ritual."

"Noel, please shake Meri's hand. It's how her people great each other."

Sander's words silenced the humming room. Even the carollers came to an abrupt halt in the middle of 'oh come all ye faithful'. Whispers began soon after as everyone watched Meri and Noel shake hands.

Noel was one of the first people Meri saw who didn't look like an elf. There was no green and red clothing or peaked ears. He had the ruddy cheeks, but was otherwise a burly man, with dark hair and deep brown eyes.

"'Tain't never had that one before," Noel chuckled.

"I'm Australian," Meri replied with a shrug

"Ah, well, each to their own and welcome," Noel said as he placed their glasses on the bar.

"Thanks," Meri said as she clasped her glass.

The liquid swirled and twinkled in the most enticing way within the glass. When Meri clasped her hand around it, the glass warmed to her touch. She pulled Sander's mitts off and handed them back to him.

"Keep them. My mum always knits me more," Sander said and Meri glanced down at the blue mitts patterned with snowflakes.

"Your mum knits them?" Meri asked.

"Martha Claus knits them for all of us," Noel interrupted with a hearty laugh as he gestured to a rack where all the gloves sat neatly stacked.

"Wait one moment, your mum is Mrs Claus?" Meri asked in amazement.


"So your dad is Santa?" Meri's voice grew louder.

"Also yes," Sander answered with amusement.

Meri stared at him wide eyed, "I love the way you guys play your roles. It makes all of this much more enjoyable."


Meri didn't reply as she wanted to keep the magic that this place brought for her. She took a sip of the drink, which fizzed and bubbled but tasted delightful. Warmth and the taste of sweet, luscious honey filled her, so she took another sip. The myriad of flavours danced on her tongue from the honey to the spices. Meri knew she had never tasted anything this good before.

"This tastes like heaven," Meri murmured with a sigh.

"Why do you think we all come here? Noel makes the best mulled honey wine," Sander told her.

#Naughty or # Nice (The Holidaze Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now