It's Just Another Love Story (Short)

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Sitting on a bench inside the school building; I was reading a book as I waited for my friends. That morning all I could think about was Jake. Who is Jake you might ask? Well… He's my crush who sits by me in science class. As my friend Adeline showed up I put my book in my bag and stood up from where I was sitting. "Hey, Adeline how has your morning been?"  I asked her. "Good, what have you been doing here early?" She questioned me curiously. 

"Uh… Well I just um," Stuttering I looked around with grief. "Well I was gonna meet uh Jake here this morning."  I answered. "Oooh, your crush right?"  "Yes." I sighed. "Don't be upset and why are you meeting him?" "Well I wanted to talk to get to know him and perhaps ask him out you know." I explained. "Well then I'll talk to you afterward." She said as she walked away. Grabbing my book again I opened to my page and started to read again. 

A few minutes later Jake showed up. I closed the book and put it away. Jake stumbled up to me and gave me an unexpected hug. As I tried to let go he hugged me even tighter, surprised by it I continued to hug him. "Hey." He said flirtatiously. "Oh hey Jake." I said gleefully. "I missed you." He stated. "How could you miss me when we barely talk to each other except for science class." I questioned. "Well umm… I'll explain in a bit, so anyways shall we get to know each other?"  "Yes."

"Alright I'll start I guess, what's your favorite color?" He asked. "I don't have much of a favorite because I like all colors, but if I were to pick one of them it'd be teal." They sat down at a table in the lunch room and continued their discussion. "What's your favorite type of music?" I mentioned. "Pop, rock, stuff like that but definitely not rap or some retarded crap like that." He stated. "That's pretty much what I would say." They continued to ask questions for the next hour and a half before class was gonna start. 

"Wanna meet me at lunch so we can talk more about this?" Jake asked. "Sure I'd love to, and you could meet my friends." I said joyfully. The hours went by slowly as always just as school usually was, but I surely was happier about it than usual because of my conversation with Jake. Lunch came around and I found Jake by the vending machines as usual and we walked to the theater area in the hall where me and my friends usually ate. "These are my friends, Adeline, Natalee, Zandra, Tianna, Justin and Dawn. In unison the group said hello. "Hey people." He exclaimed. 

We continued to ask questions to get to know each other a bit more during the time like in the morning. "Can I talk to you for a second Kalista, Privately?" He requested. "Sure." They walked around the corner where the group couldn't hear them. "You needed me?" I asked. "Yeah I was wondering,,, Uh if you wanted to um… date?" Shocked by the question I started to blush and it got a little awkward before I finally answered him. "I will, sorry for that bit of an awkward moment it's just that I've been trying to ask you the same thing this morning because well,,, I had a major crush on you." I stated with an awkward smile.

At that very moment thousands of things rushed into my mind as if I thought it was a dream. This was actually a dream come true. A constant blush flew over the both of them as they stared directly into each other's eyes. I stumbled back against the lockers. The next thing you know Jake had his hands pushing against the lockers trapping me against my will. Looking around suspiciously to make sure my friends weren't spying on me. "Uhh… Jake what are you doing?" I asked nervously. "Shh just go with it." I did as he said, that very moment looking straight at each other we closed our eyes.

It wasn't startling to me, but all I could think of how little experience I had at kissing. Although it was a much rather passionate kiss, it was also sweet and tender. Seconds later we were once again staring at each other, but with a more love like gaze in our eyes as if it were just perfect. We walked back to the where the group was as usual and they looked at us curiously as if we had killed someone. "Uhh… what's with the murder like stares?" I questioned. "Nothing really." Natalee stated. "What did we miss?" Jake asked. "Not much just the usual daily funny stuff we discuss." Zandra explained.

Jake and I sat down next to each other by Adeline. Adeline had noticed that I looked stunned, but didn't mention a word about it. It was a few minutes before passing time started and the others split up to head to class. Jake stood up and hugged me tightly and whispered, "See you in science love." And he walked away which left me and Adeline. "What happened?" She asked me anxiously. "What do you mean what happened?" I said responded. "You look stunned and your blushing, it's pretty obvious something happened with you and Jake." She stated. "Okay you got me, he pushed me up against the locker and kissed me." I explained.

"God, why is it that you are always ahead of me in a relationship, not even Gavin and I have kissed." She said sternly. "Haha, don't worry he will kiss you soon I promise." I affirmed. "Well it's time to go, I shall talk to you later Kalista." She declared smiling as she grabbed her stuff and left. I headed over to the History building as usual talking to a few other friends of mine on the way there. When I got to the building I met back up with Natalee, Tianna, Dawn and Zandra. We joked around until it was time to start class and get on with the day. History was easy, as usual taking notes and watching videos as always. 

Drama came along and I just took a nap in there sense we were watching a movie. The bell rang for passing time, I ran up the stairs with Zandra talking about how much we hated our drama teacher. We departed towards different halls and I got into the science room and got my stuff out for class and headed to the drinking fountain to find Jake behind me. I got a nice cold drink and turned around where Jake greeted me. I waited for him to finish his drink and we headed back into the classroom for our daily procedure. We sat down in our chairs as Mr.Farsley began to speak.

Today we had a new lab to finish and we grabbed our supplies and headed out in the hall to start the experiment. We had to work with Ryan and Travis because there wasn't enough motion sensors. Jake was flirting with me in the hall way when Travis said something. "Jake has a crush on you!" He laughed at his joke. "So what if I do?" Jake said. "I don't know?" Travis answered. "C'mon you guys it's time to go in class we finished the lab." Ryan announced as they stopped fighting. Jake hugged me from behind and I blushed and Ryan and Travis looked at us with foolish faces. He let go before Mr.Farsley seen us. We put our stuff away for the 5 minutes we had left and chatted. My frienemy Devon came over, "What are you two dating or something?" He asked with a menacing voice.

"Uhh… What is it your business loser, Oh that's right it's not go away Devon no one likes you anyways." I remarked. "It was a simple question you fuck-tard god." "I hate you remember? I don't care what you ask or say I will never care for your presence nor will I acknowledge it, Plus your attitude you should work on that Mr. Forever Alone boy." I expressed with a meaningful glare. "I know I will be forever alone but I still like you, you know?" "I don't care, You never had a chance with me." I stated as Jake interrupted.

"She's my girlfriend Devon lay off." The three of us battled on until the bell rang as we exited the room. Jake slowly grabbed my hand as we headed down the staircase and outside to the table area in the front of the school building. "Devon is such an asshat." I said. "Definitely needs to freaking stay away from you, he is such a child, I mean really pathetically rude." Jake added. We hugged each other for a few moments and he kissed me on the cheek as we said goodbye. I headed towards Mary and Shaun who have been dating for a few months and are also friends of mine.

"Was that Jake?" Mary exclaimed. "Yeah why? " I questioned. "He kissed you on the cheek, are you two dating?" "Yes." "Who knew dreams could come true?" Shaun mentioned.  It was time for us to start heading home as Zandra and Hailey met up with us as we were crossing the street light. We talked about our day and what had happen during the time being and departed to each of our homes. When I got home I finished my homework, took a nice relieving shower and got on my computer to check my daily social networks. 

Jake accepted my friend request on Facebook after not being on for a while and he sent me a relationship request as I confirmed it. I added some of my latest drawings to Deviantart and watched some Pewdiepie on YouTube. After that I skyped a few friends and played a few video games. I dressed in my pajamas and wrote down the stunning day in my journal. Hours later I went to bed trying to calm myself down with some Owl City and I drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2012 ⏰

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