Victor Trevor: Gloria Scott

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Christmas day was close!

And everyone was supposed to be celebrating with their families and friends. Well, everyone except Dr. John Watson.

John had been sick almost the whole winter (actually it had been like a week and a half, but what's the difference?) because of the cold weather (and it was also because of Sherlock. If John hadn't had gone with him, chasing down criminals in the snow after a whole day of attending patients with colds and the flu, this wouldn't have happened. Okay, so now it sounds like it was John's fault all along... let's continue.)

Mrs. Hudson was paying her sister a visit in France because she was spending her holidays there, and Sherlock was outside in a case. John, unable to go with him because of his condition, had to spend his vacations in the flat, resting. And don't get John wrong, he wasn't a baby. He had insisted to go with Sherlock in this case too. But after a 'little' argument with Sherlock about the pros and cons of him going, and after a twenty minute-long list of Sherlock's cons, John decided to cut him off, stating that they were both adults and that if Sherlock didn't want him to go with him, he understood. John might have said this shouting and pouting, but that's beside the point. The problem now was that John was bored, he had done everything he could think of while being confined to the flat, and he was stubborn enough not to call Sherlock and ask him to come back and 'hang out' or something. So he waited and waited, and waited...

When Sherlock eventually arrived home, he put aside his coat and scarf, and took off his shoes and jacket, he didn't bother to change into more comfortable clothes and only put on a robe he had in the living room. Then he lay on the couch and went to his mind palace.


In the flat



Still no response.


"What!?" Sherlock finally answered.

It was nine o'clock at night when John decided that he was bored enough to disturb Sherlock from his 'mind palace'.

"What do I do? I have been in the flat for three days, sick and bored. I need a distraction" grumbled John frustrated.

"Well, congratulations. Now go look for your distraction somewhere else." Said Sherlock sarcastically.

"You are no fun." Stated a grumpy John.

It was true, John had been locked up in the flat for three whole days, he was bored.

"Get off," said John standing beside Sherlock.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me well, make room, or at least lift your feet."

Sherlock didn't do anything but frown at John. So John shoved Sherlock's feet, earning a complaint from Sherlock. He sat down on the couch with Sherlock's feet on his lap now, and he began watching a TV show about a young warlock and a blonde prince whose ego (In John's opinion) could almost match Sherlock's.

After a few minutes of watching it, and discovering it was the same episode he watched the day before, he decided to stare at Sherlock's bare feet instead, he put his hand on his ankle and subconsciously started circling his thumb around it, but he did not expect to hear the strange noises Sherlock made, nor the little twitches. An idea clicked.


"Mhmm?" John turned to look at him and saw that the detective was actually watching the episode. After countless (and failed) tries to find something Sherlock would enjoy, John had been pleasantly surprised to notice that Sherlock was at least entertained with this particular TV Show. Sherlock had never admitted it, but John could tell. John used this distraction as an advantage.

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