Chapter Twenty

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With Yan Fei Li and Beitang Yao Ri escorting, their journey to Deyun Pass was extremely smooth.

Beitang Yao Yue had been in coma most of the time due to excessive loss of blood, scaring Dongfang Hao Ye. But fortunately there was Doctor Qiu nearby, and after being treated for some time, the doctor said Yao Yue's dangerous situation had passed. Only then Xiao Wangye put his worries to rest.

After he wound back after crisis, Dongfang Hao Ye took a moment to rewind the eventful night.

As soon as Beitang Yao Yue's two fathers heard his news, they immediately came down from their seclusion house. Beitang Ao led a team to find Yan Zi Xing while Yan Fei Li and the eldest son, Beitang Yao Ri went to trace Beitang Yao Yue and Dongfang Hao Ye's trail.

Fortunately even amids the heavu rain, the sounds of the babies's continuous crying could still be heard. Yan Fe Li's internal force was very good, also he was the one who gave birth to Beitang Yao Yue; so he could sense Yao Yue's whereabouts and quickly find the way. Had he not found them that night.. Yan Fei Li didn't dare imagine.

Beitang Yao Yue had been in a coma for two days before he finally woke up. He opened his eyes and saw Dongfang Hao Ye curled up into a big ball and was sitting beside his bed.

Beitang Yao Yue poked him, and gently called out, "Hao Ye..."

Dongfang Hao Ye opened his eyes in a daze before he fully waking up, grasping Beitang Yao Yue's hand, and happily saying, "Yao Yue, you're finally awake! You worry me to death! Thank God, huhuhu... Do you uncomfortable? How are you feeling?"

Beitang Yao Yue hoarsely said, "I'm a bit thirsty..."

Hao Ye immediately took a bowl of sugared water, then after helping Yao Yue to sit, slowly fed him the drink.

After drinking, Beitang Yao Yue looked around and asked, "Where is this?"

"Deyun Pass."

"The babies?"

"In the other room. They cry almost all the time, I'm afraid they'll be distrubing you." Xiao Wangye rubbed his red eyes, the previous events felt like a very long dream, making him feel slightly dizzy.

"Where are my fathers?"

"Your Father goes to find Zi Xing, and your Diedie joins him. Beitang Eldest Brother also goes with them."

"Father is searching for Zi Xing? Then it's great." Beitang Yao Yue sighed in relief, then said, "Bring the babies here so I could see."

"Alright, wait a moment." Dongfang Hao Ye ran out of the room. Then after some time, he and Xiao Dong carefully held one crying baby each.

"So small..." Beitang Yao Yue had been impatiently leaning over to see the babies, but then he frowned. Xiao Wangye gulped nervously, "Yao Yue, do you want to hold them?"

Beitang Yao Yue stiffened. These children were born out of his belly, were related to him by blood and bones; but they looked so small and tender at the moment, like two small meatballs without a single bone in them. If he held them...

Dongfang Hao Ye couldn't stand the tension; without waiting for Beitang Yao Yue's reply, he promptly transfered the baby in his arms into Beitang Yao Yue's arms. Relieved, he wiped the sweat off his forehead then gestured to Xiao Dong for the other baby.

Reclining on the bed, Beitang Yao Yue was holding the two babies with a stiff face. He watched as the babies squirmed and kept crying and crying.

"Why are they crying so much?" Beitang Yao Yue worriedly asked.

我的王妃是男人(My Wangfei is a Man)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora