Chapter 5

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Charlotte Pov:

I woke up from the sound of my alarm ugh great another day of school. As I get up and made my way to the kitchen the flip on and my 3 besties where there with Maya holding my  breakfast with a candle on it.

"Happy Birthday", they say in unison "Aww thank you guys y'all are the best". "Make a wish" Maya said as she handed me the plate I took it and blew the candle out as they cheer making me laugh. "Ok I see y'all already ready so let me go get ready then we can head out", I said as I made my way to my bedroom and see the outfit Maya pick out for me. I head towards the shower after I was done I put my outfit on for today and straight my hair out.

 I head towards the shower after I was done I put my outfit on for today and straight my hair out

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After I was done I grab my bag and head towards the kitchen with my friends who had there mouth open. "Wow you look amazing", said Warwick. "Thank you now let's head on to class and on to class we went.

Henry Pov:

"Good morning everybody" "Morning", they said as they went to their seats. "Ok so I got your quiz results back so if you have me this evening then you gonna get it at the end of my math class, and if you have me just this morning then you gonna get it after this class, y'all got it."  "Yes sir". "Good now let's get this class started", as I turn to the board and write today's lesson.

*Skip to the end of day*

"Ok that's end of today lesson for math so everyone have a good day and if you were in my History class this morning come to the desk to get your test." The students came to my desk and got there test, when it came to Charlotte damn she look hot what she dress up for I never seen her dress up like that. 

"Here you go Miss Page", as I hand her the test. 

Charlotte Pov:

When the Professor hand me the test and seen my grade I got happy. "Does this day get any better", as I look at my paper. "Idk, but what you dressing up for", he said as he sat in front of his desk. "Oh well it's my birthday and my friend thought I could wear something special",   "Oh really well Happy Birthday and I kinda got a special birthday present for you", he said as he raised his eyebrows. "Oh really what is it then", trying to act surprise. "This", he said as he brought me closer to him and felt his lips on mines, what the hell is he doing as he grab my ass which made me gasped and his tongue slip in. I quickly pull away and slap him hard enough.

Henry Pov: 

When she slap me I kinda got angry but kept it in. "What is wrong with you", I said as I put my hand where she slap me.  "Me, what's wrong with you kissing on your student and touching her", she said in her angry voice. "I thought you would like it coming from your Professor," I said as I winked at her. " Ok this crazy and it should and never happen again you got that", she said as she put her index finger in my face. "Whatever you say babygirl", as I wink at her.  "Don't call me that ever again", as she grab her bag and almost trip on the way to the door.  Damn I tried to kissed her but she wouldn't bothered to give in but that kiss was awesome the way my hand move from her waist to her ass god, that girl will be death of me.

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