Chapter 1

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Henry Pov:

I woke up from the sound of my alarm, I rolled over the side of the bed to turn it off. I rolled back over to look at my beautiful wife, Bianca. We met 3 years ago at the coffee shop and we hung out mostly everyday until I ask her to be my girlfriend, after that we dated for 5 months till I pop the big question. We been married for 2 years and nothing can replace her I mean not anybody. 

(B for Bianca, H for Henry, C for Charlotte, M for Maya, C for Caleb, W for Warwick)

B: Good morning bae( as I kiss his lips)

H: Morning bae 

B: You better get ready for work.

H: yea ok (as I get out of bed)

I went to my closet and pick out my suite and head towards the shower. I work at NYU as a professor, I teach there for a year now and I love it there. After I step out the shower I head towards the bedroom and put my clothes on, after that I grab my brief case and head towards the kitchen and see Bianca left a note "Had to left early but I left breakfast for you, see you tonight ,Love you💖💖"

After I eat breakfast I check the time and it was time for me to head to work, I set the alarm and went to my car and head on to work.

Charlotte Pov:

CM: Oh baby I'm gonna miss you so much

C: Mom I'm gonna miss you too 

C: Mom I'm gonna miss you too 

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Kami Page

CM: Let me take one last picture with you.

C: Ok mom, but hurry up my friends will be here any minute now.

CM: Ok let me go get my camera

This is it I finally going to collage. Me and my three friends decide to go the the same collage we been friends since the 9th grade. 

CM: Ok you ready

C: yes

CM: Ok 1....2.... ( the doorbell rings)

C: Hold on I get it ( walks to the door)

As I open the door it was my three best friends.

M: Wassup bitch

C: Hey come on in 

W: Hey shortie

C: Really after 3 years you still call me that.

W: Hey it fit you 

CM: Ok all 4 of you come take a pic, alright and smile 

C: Oh snap we gotta get going.

M: You right let's hit the road

C: Ok

CM: Bye Char be safe and I love you

C: Love you to

And this is where our life begins.

Make sure comment down below tell me what you think of the first chapter. Also make sure you follow me to keep up with my books.


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