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Hey guys! Thats right, Im back with a new Nisekoi story. (I'm back to writing about my favorite ship again lol)
Don't worry, I'll still be updating my other stories, I promise. :)

This story won't follow all aspects of the manga. Just a few here and there. As I said in the description, Chitoge isn't as violent and some characters will be OOC. Don't worry, I'll give out a warning at the start of every chapter.

Hope you guys enjoy!

Warning: This story will test your patience xD

"You hold the locket and I'll hold the key and when we meet again... we'll get married."

"Young Master! Young Master! It's time to get up!"

A boy opened his eyes and got up with a groggy look on his face.

"Young Master, are you up?"

"Yes, I'm up! You don't need to keep shouting! Sheesh... Can't I ever catch a break..." He said as he fell back onto his futon and stared up at the ceiling.

"Raku, are you up?" An older voice called out to him.

The young boy, named Raku, sighed as he got up from his futon and dressed up in his school uniform then left his room to be greeted by a few people.

"Good morning, Second Master!" A few men greeted when he walked out.

"How many times have I told you to stop calling me 'Second Master'? I'm not going to take over as heir to the Shūei clan!" He shouted.

"But Young Master! Who else will take over the clan when the Master retires?" A man, named Ryu, cried out.

"Anybody but me! I just want to be a normal civilized person!" He shouted as he walked towards the kitchen leaving the lot to cry over their Young Master.

He sighed as he began stirring up some eggs and frying some bacon. "You'd think I'd finally get some peace of mind when I started high school." He sighed as he threw the eggs into the pan and began cooking it.

Raku Ichijo was no ordinary boy. He was actually the son of Issei Ichijo, who was also the leader of the Yakuza known as the Shūei Clan. Which meant Raku Ichijo's life was far from normal.

"Young Master, Miss Onodera is here to see you!"

"Eh? Onodera?" He said as he turned off the stove and went to the front door to see a girl with long brown hair smiling up at him.

"Good morning, Ichijo." She smiled.

"Morning, Onodera. What are you doing here so early?" He asked her.

"I thought maybe we'd walk to school together." She smiled with a light blush on her face.

Raku smiled at her with a blush on his face as well. "I'd love to, Onodera. How about you come inside first? Have you eaten yet?" He asked her.

"Yes, I have. You're still a worrywart as ever, Ichijo." She chuckled.

"As your boyfriend, it's my job to make sure you're alright." He whispered to her as he proceeded into the kitchen to finish up cooking.

She let out a small smile as she walked into the kitchen with him to watch him cook.

Raku and Kosaki have been dating since middle school. They both confessed to each other at the start of their last year. But not many people know they're dating. Only two people knew about their relationship — Shu Maiko and Ruri Miyamoto.

Keeping their relationship a secret was Raku's idea considering his family. Not even his father knew of his relationship. He didn't want to involve Onodera with his family in case there were trouble and let's just say... A normal teenage girl was a lot more easy to kidnap than the son of the Shūei Clan.

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