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Aarna pov:

"Doctor doctor please save my husband,please please" a girl of my age cried.

His husband had admitted before in our hospital last week due to heart attack. I strictly warned him not to smoke and drink. Because even a single cigarette is  threat to his life.

But looks like he didn't took my words seriously.

"Please doctor save him please, I can't live without him I love him so much" Her cheeks had a fingerprint, looks like he slapped her in his drunken state.

But this women here is begging for someone who don't even consider her as a human.

I don't show any emotions in my face and asked nurses to shift him in to the ICU and asked them to prepare the necessities for the operation.


The operation went successful but I don't feel a little happiness.

Because these animals are not capable of  living.

I washed off the blood from my hands and went straight to my cabin.

I felt hungry as I don't had my breakfast in the morning. I digged into my bag to find some eatables.

But I found some sticky note in my bag.

I opened and read,


Don't forgt to com to school at 4


Aaa wait wait don't forgt to brng my gift tooo.

-alandra 😁.

My lips curved upwards looking at her sticky note but frowned at her spelling mistakes.

I mentally note to made her study extra one hour from today onwards.

While I was in my thoughts some one knocked my door.

"Come in"

The wife of that animal who I treated before came, I asked her to take a seat.

"Thank you thank you so much for saving my husband"

"Do you want someone like him to live?" These words slipped out of my mouth without my consent.

She looked at me in confusion.

"Do you want a person who will abuse you like this?" I said pointed my fingers to her cheeks which are now purple in colour.

She smiled and said " I love him and I believe one day he will change for me"

Her reply was like the same aarna's reply four years back.

But he made me realise I was wrong about him.

I didn't said anything after that, just prescribed some medicine and ask her to bring him for regular check ups.

Soon the clock strikes 3. Alandra school was 1 hour travel from my workplace so I excused myself and walk to my Dean cabin.

"Excuse me sir"

"Yes dr,take your seat" he is one of them who I can trust in my work place.

"Dr I want 2 hours permission today" I asked him.

"I wish to give you but you know as Dr. Anshul got transferred we are in a shortage of doctors so you have to handle his patients too sorry for telling you this now, but please attend his patients today"

Without any way I nodded and went to attend Dr Anshul patients.

Siddharth pov:

"Mom don't be a child come on"

"Kiddo i will go by myself, you don't have to spare your time for these check up,you have many companies to run" I frowned at her nickname of mine.

"please don't call me kiddo, I am not a kid and I am glad to spend my time with my family and you know that too so please without any trauntum come"

She always throw trauntums for going to hospital. She simply hates that.

"You know what I cannot win over you Mr.Saxena"

"And I love to win you Mrs.Saxena". I smirked at her.

She slapped playfully on my shoulders and we both started towards hospital for her monthly check up.

I start my car though i have dozens of drivers I don't like anyone touch my beauty.

(A/N : why these boys are obsessed with cars🤔🤔)

While I was driving someone came in front of my car.

I pulled a sudden break and ran outside.

But what I saw took my breath away

It was all





Author note:

Heyyyy chotties,

Hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Guess who is that person who got injured.

I will update next chapter on next Sunday.

Till then bye, stay safe.

With love,


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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