[13] BATHS

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M/N LEANED against the stone barrier with his lower body submerged in the bath kusuo however sat besides him with his now foggy green glasses.

Takahashi and his two other friends sat across from the group with a exciting smirk. "Now this is the main event of the trip."

"Peeking time!" the trio said in sync takahashi turned to his friend with the slick back hair

"i scouted out this place earlier." the other two stared in shock "for real?" M/n listened in on their conversation uninterested due to the only one he wanted to see naked already sat besides him

"They swap the men's and women's baths each daily. I have a good grasp of the other side" He said with a proud smirk thinking he accomplished something.

"you are so dedicated" Takahashi exclaimed. "Yeah... and you are creeping me out a little..." the other one said

"it's worth it" He pointed at the tall wooded wall which separated the baths "as long as we can see the other side!"

"The best spot is under that lamp." He informed pointing at the light further in the corner which creeped over both baths

"we can climb each other's shoulders!" he instructed "climb each other naked!?" Takahashi complained

The third friend pulled out a long object.

"I brought three. lets use them" They stood near the wall

"let's go! steamy bath periscope!" They chanted lifting the device up, they intended to see a sexy view of the girls but before they can see anything rough kicks were delivered to their backs.

"that's not how you respect woman assholes." M/n spoke up looking down at the group in disgust

They jumped back holding their scopes "stop acting like you don't want to take a peek!" Takahashi screamed at the nude boy

"Let's try again" He called out all three lifting the scopes over the wall only to feel the scopes get torn out of their grip and smashed on the floor

"i said! RESPECT WOMEN!" M/n shouted angrily at the trio as they began arguing

'peeking isn't cool...' the pinkette thought as he sat in the bath with a towel on his head watching M/n argue 'i'm kinda surprised he stood up for the girls...'

"Saiki, you aren't taking off your glasses?" Kaidou asked noticing how the green lenses were starting to fog up allowing him not to able to see through the glasses correctly

'what's the point of seeing other people naked? i don't understand the appeal...' he finished off grabbing the towel from his head to wipe the fog of his glasses once he heard the group grow quiet

the trio looked below M/n waist staring in disbelief. kusuo unintentionally looked to were their where they stared only to see something very-

"oh wow." his mouth agape in shock


they group sat in the hotel room M/n kept a sparkle aura as the peeping toms sat in the corner glommy

"it's not possible..."

"i'm going to stop making fun of m/n...." they all said still in shock

nendou looked at them "they have been gloomy since they saw m/n..." slightly confused

"they're idiots. leave them alone." kusuo said with the memory embedded in his mind

"don't be silly~ a man must show their dominance some how~" the h/c haired boy said ruffling his wet hair locks

"shut up..."


later on that night kusuo teleported out to the beach overhearing the girls wanting to play uno.

'i should be safe here' He said as he laid comfortably on a beach chair watching out into the ocean. 'im beat fighting the typhoon and lifting the aircraft I had to remove my controlling device twice' Saiki thought to himself as he leaned back more on the chair ignoring toritsuka get rejected "this will be a long trip." he closed his eyes falling into a deep sleep.

failing to realize the approaching blue haired goddess.


next chapter soon

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