"There's my loud baby" she chuckles a bit opening her eyes as I sit on the bed. "Dulcie I told you to not disturb Dakota" I say and Dulcie pouts. "I'm sorry daddy.. I didn't mean to I.." she stutters fast, I think she thinks she's in trouble. "Hey it's okay, I was already awake.." Dakota interrupts her, stroking her cheek softly.

"That's okay then." I smile, reassuring Dulcie. She giggles a bit and snuggles in closer to Dakota. "You feeling better baby?" I ask and she nods a bit. "It comes and goes" she pouts and I nod a bit. "Maybe call the doctors office and see if you can get something to help ease it" I suggest and she nods, sitting up slowly.

"What's times your flight?" She asks me and I sigh a bit. "Just after four this afternoon" I smile a bit. I have to leave to go filming for three weeks half way across America. "Okay.. we could get ready and go for lunch somewhere before Dulcie goes back to her moms" She suggests, smiling at Dulcie as she grins, nodding.

"Sounds good.. shall we get the girls sorted first?" I ask and Dakota nods, stroking her bump as she climbs out of bed. "Can we bath together? Pretty please!!" Dulcie jumps up onto the bed, causing Charlotte to giggle loudly at her. "I don't see why not" I chuckle as we all head into mine and Dakota's en-suite.


"Dulcie you be good for mommy okay" I kiss her head gently, knelt down to her level at Amelia's front door. "I will daddy. Have fun working" she hugs me tight and I squeeze her close. "I'll call you everyday baby girl" I kiss her cheek repeatedly before watching her run off inside. "Bye see you soon" she waves at us both once more.

"Bye babe" Dakota blows her a kiss and Dulcie grins; catching it before running off. I take Dakota's hand and head back to the car with her, holding her door open so she can get it. I start the engine and begin driving us home. "What's the date that you'll be back?" She asks as I pull up at home.

"Around November fourteenth" I kiss her hand and we get out the car. Charlotte is sleeping so I lift her into my arms and carry her inside; resting her on the sofa so she can sleep, making sure she can't roll off. "Okay.."

"I know you have the twenty week scan in a few days, please don't let it worry you, baby is growing and doing absolutely fine, I just know it" I smile and she smiles shyly, nodding. "I know.. it's just my normal anxious feeling I get.. especially because of last time" she pouts a bit and I kiss her. "It'll be fine." I kiss her again.

"I might see if my mom or dad want to come with me" she smiles shyly and I nod. "I'm sure they'd love that" I grin. "I just hope you are home in time for the gender scan" she pouts, grabbing some water from the fridge and putting some food in the oven.

"I will be baby.. I come home that morning" I head over, wrapping my arms around her from behind and kissing her neck softly. "Good" she smiles, leaning back to kiss my lips softly. "We'll eat this when it's done and then I'll drop you at the airport" she smiles shyly and I pout, setting the table.

"I can get a cab, you can get settled for the night with Charlotte if you'd prefer?" I get us both a knife and fork as she plates up our chicken pasta and garlic bread. "Would you mind? I'd feel bad.. I like to see you off at the airport." She frowns a bit as we sit down to eat.

"As long as I still get to say goodbye to two of my favourite ladies, I'm happy with that" I smile and giggles, nodding. We eat with a bit of animated chat, once we've finished I clear the dishes and fill the dishwasher whilst she gets Charlotte. She's just changing her diaper as I head into the lounge where they are.

"I should head off baby" I say, grabbing my shoes and putting them on, getting my phone and calling a cab. "Is the princess going to say bye to daddy?" Dakota coos, holding Charlotte out to me before going to wash her hands once I've taken her. I kiss charlottes head repeatedly and hold her close.

"Now you've got to be a good girl for mommy, okay? Daddy loves you so so much" I kiss her cheek as she squeals, not really understanding. "Dada dada dada" she babbles loudly, giggling cutely as i tickle her chin.

Dakota comes back through to us and grins. "We're going to miss daddy, aren't we angel?" She says, stroking Charlotte's cheek, causing her to watch her mom. "I'll miss my girls.. but I'll be home as soon as I can" I whisper, kissing Charlotte's head before pulling Dakota close; kissing her softly.

"We know.." she smiles, kissing me again and taking Charlotte from me as we hear the cab driver beep to let us know they're here. I kiss Charlotte's head once more and Dakota takes her through to the lounge and sits her into her chair.

I grab my bag and place the strap over my shoulder, shoving my phone into my Jean pocket. "Please let me know when you land" She comes back through, wrapping her arms around me tightly. "I will baby... if you need me you just call me okay" I kiss her head softly and she giggles.

"We'll be fine I promise. Please can we just talk whenever you get chance though? I'll miss you" she smiles shyly and I chuckle, nodding before leaning down to kiss her deeply. "It's a deal baby.." I say, stroking my hand over her bump. "Be good for mommy you" I chuckle, leaning down to kiss her lips once more.

"I love you so much" she kisses me again, giggling as the cab driver beeps his horn once more. "I better go.. I love you so much more" I kiss her twice more, letting go of her and opening the door. I give her one last glance and we both blow each other a kiss before I close the door.

I jog out to the cab and slide in, he speeds away off to the airport whilst I think about my two beautiful girls. I reach for my phone in my pocket and smile at the lockscreen. It's Dakota, Dulcie and Charlotte all curled up on my chest asleep from one day last week when we had a movie and pyjama day. I chuckle and open up my messages.

'I miss my beautiful wife already x'

'I miss you too.. hurry home please x'

She replies instantly and it makes me smile as I slide my phone away...

Just a small one this time, sorry!
Comments are appreciated as always ❤️

Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan) - You're The One...Where stories live. Discover now