10. Truth or Dare

Start from the beginning

"Congrats, best friend! I am so proud of you!" Rich said as he hugged Mara tightly.

Mara looked at Jang. "Who is going to ask me a question next? Beware! Hahaha Jang your turn."

"Out of curiosity, what were you trying to move on from? So you can pass," asked Jang.

Mara paused, then Rich dared her. "If you have moved on, girlfriend, you should be able to answer that!"

Mara smiled shyly and answered Jang. "I had heartbreak on New Year's eve. Big time! My ex-fiance broadcasted it on national tv."

"Elaborate on that, girlfriend!" Rich shouted again.

"Are you drunk now, Rich? I feel you are putting me on the spot, huh?! It's Josh's turn to ask questions now." asked Mara. 

"It is my turn now to ask. Why did you say it was big-time?" Josh asked as she looked at Mara.

"He was my boyfriend for 5yrs from when he was trying out his luck in the business. We were already together. That New Year's eve, we were on our 2nd yr as an engaged couple. So it's like our 7th year of being together. He dumped me on national tv during the countdown celebration. Quite a show, right?" Mara said, sounding embarrassing. 

Rich puts up his beer can and offers Mara a beer. "You should drink, girlfriend! We should drink to your moving on!"

"No need for that best friend. I don't drink anymore," said Mara.

Mara faced Josh and gave him another can of beer. "That is why you guys can drink more. Since you are also drinking for me. And I'm used to being the sane one when Rich is drinking."

Josh and Jang's laughter surrounded them.

"Rich, it's our turn to ask you questions! Josh and I are curious. How long since you last been to Korea?" asked Jang.

Rich counted mentally and shouted. "Twenty years ago! I left Korea 20 yrs ago. But I still know the language."

"What Korean movies or shows have you watched and when?" Josh asked.

"I have watched none since 20 yrs ago. Oh, except for Crazy Rich Asians!" replied Rich.

"Where have you been all the past 20 yrs, best friend? Why didn't you get the chance to watch any at all for 20 yrs?" Mara teased Rich.

Rich told his life story. "Seriously, my dad was strict since we moved to the Philippines. He banned everything about Korea except speaking the language because of my mom. My maternal grandparents didn't support my parent's marriage. Maybe my father can't take it anymore! We packed our things, and he said I'm returning to the Philippines! Where my life is waiting!" (Rich started humming to a Filipino song)

Mara started laughing as she knew Josh was taking his dialogue from a song. "Hahaha!"

"How do you find your vacation so far?" Mara asked Jang.

"Enjoyable!" said Jang.

"Stop being competitive, Josh. It should be your turn to be asked questions." Jang started moving the table for Josh to lose.

"Ah, I thought I had it! Bring on your questions!" said Josh.

"Do you work out regularly? You know my beki mind is curious!" asked Rich as he looked at Josh.

"You crazy one!" reacted Mara. 

"Yes, I do; it's like one of my stress relievers," Josh replied to Rich.

"Those stresses have done you good, my Josh!" Rich reacted with his funny expression.

Mara turned to Jang. "It's your turn to ask Josh. I am still thinking about what question to ask him."

"Okay, Josh, what do you want to achieve on this vacation?" Jang asked.

"At first, I want to be away from the work environment. But now, I want to be carefree and live simple and unplanned. I want to experience an ordinary life." answered Josh. 

Mara immediately responded. "Well, I can guarantee you carefree and unplanned. I don't know about being normal with Rich being with us!" And her laughter echoed.

The four of them agreed unanimously with laughter.

"What is your question about Josh's girlfriend?" Rich turned to Mara and winked.

Mara looked as if she was thinking of a tricky question. "Um... what do I ask? Oh yes, I'm curious about these guys. So this will be my question for both Josh and Jang. How come you traveled without your girlfriends/wives?"

Rich got curious and looked straight into Josh's eyes. He wanted very much to hear what Josh's answer would be.

Josh shyly answered. "I am not in a relationship right now. But maybe if I have someone, I would always consider having her go with me on travel like this."

"Perfect answer, candidate no. 3!" said Rich while clapping.

They continued with the game while laughing and making fun of each other.

Mara whispered to Rich. "Best friend, I don't know if you feel it, but Josh is like a pandora's box. Whenever he answers a question he likes, he gives out a piece of himself. Like that feeling when you are unboxing a package."

"He is quite a gift, girlfriend! I love unboxing!" Rich joked.

Mara replied, laughing. "You are getting wasted, Rich!"



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