(8) Nobody but you

Start from the beginning

Play nice y/n. Don't attack. Yet.

I took a deep breath to keep from tossing her drink on her. I looked to Alex, who was looking down, clearly avoiding my gaze. "Well Alexander, it was nice to see you." I said, sarcasm spewing out. "Y/n-" He said as I started to leave.

But Taylor interrupted him. "Come on, Al, let her leave. I've got something better for us to do anyways." I turned as she said it, watching as she pushed him into a dark hallway. Our eyes met and she smirked.

I looked at Alex who was looking back at me, but did nothing. My heart began to ache. How could I be so stupid? Of course Alex didn't like me. I quickly found my way back to the other boys.

Once I got here again, I grabbed Miles' drink from his hand and downed it quickly. "You know what we need? Shots." They cheered and Matt offered to go get them.

Miles pulled me to the side. "Yeh alreyt, love?" He asked concerned. I nodded, not meeting his eyes. "Did yeh find Al?" I nodded again. "Yeah, he's a real arse. Let's get drinks." Miles didnt let me leave quickly though.

"What 'appened?" I just huffed. "I was an idiot, that's what 'appened." I left without another word, grabbing the first shot from Matt, downing the strong liquid quickly.

A couple of rounds of tequila shots later, I was drunk, but the feeling of heartache stayed. I went to the bar, ordering for straight vodka. At my second cup of straight vodka, Alex finally came by.

"Al!" They cheered. I stood next to Nick, holding onto his arm for balance. Alex saw me and pulled me aside. "Can we talk?" I took a gulp of my vodka, clearly drunk. I leaned up to his ear and said "No."

I looked to the guys. "Round of shots on me!" I went to the bar to order them. Alex followed behind. "Y/n, please talk to me." I ignored him and took the shots to the table.

We all took our shots and drank them quickly. I started drunkenly laughing. "I'm gonna get another drink." I announced. Alex gripped my arm.

"You've had enough drinks, come on we need to talk. I'll get you a water." Something in me snapped. He leads me on, invites me here, acts like he didn't, goes off and shags another girl and now he wants to control what I do.

"No! Leave me alone, Alex." I said harshly. Miles came to my side. "Oi, whas' wrong?" I could feel tears prick my eyes. "I'm going home." I said.

"Do yeh av' a ride?" I shook my head and grabbed an unfinished drink from the table, leaving quickly.

Alex followed after me. I was outside, savouring my last drink. I ignored Alex calling my name. I sat down on a bench, drinking still. He stood in front of me, but I didnt look at him. "Y/n we need to talk."

"Aren't yeh talkin now?" I giggled due to the alcohol in my system, going to take another drink from the cup. But before I could, he snatched it from me and threw it away in the nearest trash bin. I groaned and started to walk away again.

"Y/n!" I rolled my eyes. "Fuck off, Alex!" I heard him scoff. "Wha' is it that I did? Why are yeh bein in arse?" It didn't matter how many drinks I had. I sobered up real quick and turned to look at him.

"Me?! Yer the one that's being an arse!" He scoffed again. "And what did I fookin do to make me an arse?!" I got close to him and pointed a finger at his chest.

"You led me on! The kissing, cuddling, whispering, touching, affection for months! Then yeh invite me here just so I could see you with some other bird, then you go an' shag her! And now yeh ask me what yeh did?! And I'm the one being the arse?! How does that work, Alex? Enlighten me!" By the end of my little speech, I was yelling at him.

"Thats what yeh think I did? Led you on so I could go an' shag someone else?! I'm not a dick'ed!"

"You are a dick'ed! A proper dick head! I like you Alex! A lot! Do you know how much it hurt to see you with your arm around her? Walking into the hallway with her? Knowing you shagged?! Do you?" Tears were falling now.

He softened. "I didn't shag her. And I didn't mean t' lead yeh on." He said, wiping my tears. "But you did. Yeh did lead me on, Alex." I said, crying. He cupped my face and put his arms around me.

"I dont even like 'er y/n. I told 'er off and she left coz I turned 'er down. I don't like 'er. I really did want to be wiv yeh tonight, but I thought you wouldn't show."

I looked up at him. "Why?" I asked softly. He chuckled. "Coz yer way out of me league. But y/n, I promise yeh, I don't like 'er. At all. Nobody." He paused.

"Nobody but you." I locked my eyes on his. "Really?" He nodded and touched his forehead with mine. My eyes closed, taking in his scent.

He leaned in and kissed me. But this time it was different. He was gentle, slow, soft, more loving. I kissed him back, my arms around his neck now.

We pulled away and he kept his gaze on me. "Y/n... would yeh be mine? Officially?" I smiled and nodded. "Really?!" I nodded again and he laughed, giving me another quick peck He took my hand. "C'mon I'll give yeh a ride home." He lead me to his car.

He threw our connected hands up and yelled. "Y/N Y/L/N IS MY GIRLFRIEND!" We both laughed loudly and I kissed his cheek.

A/N: this one is pretty long too, but I hope you enjoyed it haha. Love ye mates xx

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