The Sorting Hat

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As we entered the castle we saw a grand staircase leading up to a huge door, probably leading to the great hall. A professor dressed in all green came through the door. She had a tall black hat and wore old dress robes. She looked to the giant man and nodded to him. He turned and left the hall from where she came in. "Welcome to Hogwarts." she said rather calmly. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house common room." she stopped for a  quick moment before continuing. "The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule breaking will lose your house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours." She stops again giving everyone a moment to process what she had said before she continues again. "The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting." after she said that she turned and left the hall. Talking immediately started everyone asking the other what house they want to be in.

    I turn to Cedric smiling at him before I feel someone grab me and pull me into a hug. I looked to see who had hugged me and saw that it was one of the twins guessing not the one I ran into on the train. "Hey shorty what have you been up to?" He says.

    I gave him a look of disapproval before saying "I'm not that short, seriously. Now which twin are you so I can yell at you?" with a smile growing on my face.

    "I'm Fred. Wow can't even remember which twin looks better than the other." said Fred.

    "Well Fred. Don't call me short, because I'm not that short I mean I'm taller than every other girl here." I said.

    The professor walks back in through the door. Just as she opens it about 20 ghosts come soaring through the hall and towards the door. Everyone was gasping and trying to touch the ghosts. I even tried to reach forward to touch one but Cedric pulled my arm back. Thinking it was rude to try and touch one. She opened the door and allowed students in one by one. Everyone stood in a line going from wall to wall. Wow, this is going to take forever to get through every student.

    As I walked in I looked up and the ceiling looked like a galaxy of stars above the students. In the middle of the hall was a stool. On top of the stool was a hat. The hat sang a song and everyone stopped to listen to it. The hall burst out into applause and then everyone stopped talking again. The professor pulled out a piece of parchment and said "When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted."

    "Avery, Michealson!" she said.

    A girl with bright brown hair sat down on the stool, the hat sat on her head for a moment and then "RAVENCLAW!" shouted the hat.

    "Baker, Anthony!" the professor yelled again. The hat barely touched his head before it yelled. "HUFFLEPUFF!" I started to zone out before I heard the professor yell. "Black, Victoria!" the hall went dead quiet as I walked up to the stool. The hat was placed on my head when I heard something in my head. "Hmm, very strong, very protective of your friends and family. Like to go on adventures."

    The hat continued on "You could be very good in Hufflepuff, but you could achieve greatness in Gryffindor. Hmmm, what is your opinion on the matter?" I thought about it for a second before saying "I believe that you know what to put me in and will make the right choice no matter what." After another second I heard the hat yell out. "GRYFFINDOR!" There were a loud cheer from the Gryffindor table and as I walked over there Charlie came over to me wrapping an arm around my shoulder as he said "Welcome to Gryffindor now I expect you to keep the twins in line." he said as he patted me on the head and I went to sit down.

I zoned out again before I heard "Diggory, Cedric!" get yelled.

    He slowly walked up to the stool. When he sat down the professor sat the hat down on his head and after a few seconds the hat yelled out "HUFFLEPUFF!" I clapped as loudly as I could for Cedric before he sat down and another name was called.

    I heard a few other people get called up like Angelina Johnson she was put in Gryffindor. I also heard Jordan Lee get sorted into Gryffindor. I looked up when I heard the professor, whose name I learned was McGonagall, yell out "Weasley, Fred!"

    Fred walked up to the stool jumping his foot up and down as the hat was put on his head. It covered his eyes but within seconds the hat yelled out "GRYFFINDOR!" As Fred walked over to the table and high fived Charlie he came and sat down next to me.

McGonagall then turned and yelled out "Weasley, George!"  he walked up to the stool not looking nervous at all. As he sat down on the stool the hat was placed on his head. It took longer than Fred. After a minute the hat yelled out "GRYFFINDOR!" George jumped from his seat and practically ran over to the Gryffindor table. He also high fived Charlie and then walked over throwing an arm around Fred as he sat down.

"See, we-" said George.

"Were right-" then said Fred.
    "All three of us are together" George and Fred said together.

I smile at the two of them. "Yeah we are together. Now what's the first prank we are gonna pull?" I said.

"Ohh, so you think that you're special enough to prank with us?" said George.

I looked at them and then I said "I'm either as good a prankster as you two or I'm better. So, yes I think i'm special enough to prank with you two." I said.

Dumbledore had said some really long speech about how the year was gonna go and that the forbidden forest was very much in fact forbidden. I smiled as I thought about going out into the forest to being able to see all the magical creatures out there.

After his speech the tables were filled with tons of food and everyone chatted. I was starving so I was stuffing food in my mouth. I heard Fred laughing beside me as he said "Wow, do you ever stop eating Tori?" I look up at him with a glare as I go back to eating. After a while the food disappeared from the table and Dumbledore told the prefects to take the first years up to the dorms.

As we made our way to the dorm I saw Fred and George talking to each other so I took this as my chance to slip away. Charlie had already told me the password to the common room. I knew that if I got what I was looking for I wouldn't need help finding the common room the only problem was finding the damn piece of paper.

I ran down the halls ducking from teachers and ghosts. I knew I was heading towards Filch's Office but I needed to get there to get the map.

A/N yes McGonagalls part is very similar to the one in the books i want to keep t similar without copying.

The Truly Immuneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें