Diagon Alley

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Moony grabbed my hand as we apparated to Diagon Ally. I hate doing that. It makes my stomach twist and I feel like I'm beginning pulled in half. When we landed I fell straight down, my legs felt weak and had just gave in. I look up to see Moony laughing at me and two flaming redheads with smiles on their faces. George I think extends his hand to help me up. I hesitate at first scared they might be trying to prank me.

"Come on Tori seriously I'm not trying to prank you. Just help you up." Said George or Fred still not sure.

"I can't always be sure with you two. Always pranking and joking." I grab his hand and he pulls me up. "You excited for your first year at Hogwarts?" I say.

"Yeah. I bet-" said one twin.

"All three -" Then both twins.

"Of us will-" Then the other twin

"Be in Gryffindor together." Then together again. Man those two can be terrifying. Why do they do that back and forth thing? It gives me a headache.

"Ok, you two need to stop doing that. And which one of you is which I can never tell you two apart, it's bloody annoying." I say starting to already get annoyed with them.

"I'm George." Said the twin on the right.

"And I'm Fred." Said the twin on the left.

"Ok so your George" I point at the one on the left knowing they purposely switch their names to confuse me. "And your Fred," I say pointing to the one on the right. Their smiles falter before George says "Wow, you really are smart. Already figured us out." He says with a smirk.

Fred looks at me with a smile before saying "So have you gotten your wand yet?"

"No I haven't, I just got here with Moo-Lupin," I stop myself from calling him Moony knowing he wouldn't like it if Fred and George knew of the nickname. "and I was just about to go there. Have you two gotten your wands?" I say.

They both hold up their wands, I can tell that they were holding it wrong. I reached forward grabbing and fixing how they were holding their wands. Before seeing that they had a confused look on their faces. "You were holding your wands wrong, I was just fixing it." I say trying to make them understand.

"Well i should get going and get my stuff. Say hi to Mrs.Weasley for me." I say as the smile grows on my face knowing that in two days i'll be on the train to Hogwarts. Before i can turn around someone grabs my arm to keep me in place. Fred and George pull out two packages from their pockets and hold them out to her.

"Happy-" says George.

"Early-" Says Fred.

"Birthday." They say together. My birthday was on august 31. So tomorrow I turn 11. I look up and grab the two packages smiling.

"Thank you. You didn't have to get me anything. I'll make sure to open these tomorrow." I say as the smile on my face was making my cheeks hurt. Now I turn around to see Moony waiting for me down the street. I quickly throw a wave to the twins over my shoulder as I run forward grabbing Moony's hand and going to Ollivander's Wand Shop.

We turn the corner and see the shop. We open the door and as I walk in I see a man with fuzzy gray hair stick his head around the corner. He looks up at Moony and says "Remus Lupin, 10 ¼ inch, Cypress, unicorn hair." He looks at me before continuing, "Is this your first year, yes, hmm lets see this should do." he hands me a box. I opened it and saw a wand and picked it up and waved the wand, many boxes flew everywhere. He takes the wand and box back before turning around. He climbs the ladder going back into the shop. When he reappeared he had another box. "Here we are," he said, handing me the box. I swished the wand but nothing happened. "There, there and this is the one, Yew wood with a phoenix feather core, 12 1/2 inch, and a reasonably supple flexibility, and this wand belongs to?" He looks down towards me.

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