The Hooded Figure

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Lynette swallowed hastily, choking a bit. "What's happened?" she glanced around. Fred shrugged.

"I'm sure it's nothing. Probably just some problems with the train," George reassured her.

"I hope you're right," the young girl sighed.

After a few minutes of waiting, the train had still not budged. The sky outside was growing darker, and a few dark clouds where beginning to form.

"Storm's coming," Fred exclaimed.

Lynette studied the sky once again. A black cloaked figure suddenly floated by their compartment window.

"Did you guys see that?"

"See what?" they asked.

"The floating creature that just went by our window?"

"Nope didn't see anything,"

Lynette huffed and leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms.

Then all of a sudden, the lights flickered and went out. The sun was still partially up, so there was a dim light in their compartment. Lynette looked back at the door, and saw the same cloaked figure gradually hovering by their window. Lynette pointed and whispered "There!" pointing at the door.

The twins turned around to see a smokey hand wriggle its way into their compartment. The last thing Lynette remembered was the hooded figure up in her face, then a bright flash of light.

"Hey I think she's coming to, George, go grab her the chocolate." Lynette groggily opened her eyes.

"What the hell happened?" She groaned. She propped herself up on her forearms, and felt her back crack. She winced.

George ushered her to lay back down.

Fred took the chocolate out of George's hand and offered it to Lynette. She took it gratefully and shoved it in her mouth.

"So basically, the weird cloaked figure came into our compartment. It seemed only interested in you. It kinda floated up to you and it looked as if it was seeping all of your light and energy into itself..." Fred explained. George continued.

"Then the man you saw earlier in Ron's compartment, ran right up to that thing and said something and a bright light came, and the figure went away."

Lynette, feeling better after the chocolate, sat up. She looked around the room she was in. "Whose dormitory is this?" It didn't look like the girl's dormitory, which had different furniture. "Wait, am I in a boys dormitory?"

Fred laughed. "You're stuck with us!"

George saw the confused look on Lynette's face, "The girl's dormitories are full, so professor Dumbledore let us share a dormitory with you!"

Lynette's face lit up. "You mean I get to stay with you guys for the rest of the year!?"

Fred nodded enthusiastically. Lynnette grinned and threw arms around Fred and George's necks, pulling them into a hug. 

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