Why Do We Need to Study Accounting?

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When you hear the word accounting, I bet the first thing that comes to your mind is that it is something related to business.

Well, you're not wrong.

But what a lot of people miss out is the fact that accounting is part of our daily lives. Whether you're at home, at school or even at the mall.

Everything we do that involves decision-making and critical thinking can be considered accounting.

And that's what gives accounting a universal existence.

If you're here, making your first step to being an accountant or CPA, then you're in the right place.

I'm with you in this journey as an aspiring accountant, like you, and I hope I can help you with your studies by sharing my notes and insights.

"In today's business world, learning and understanding the art of accounting is not just an uphill climb but rather a survival skill."

Persevere, flourish and triumph, future accountants! ✨️

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