Chapter 1

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2 weeks ago..

The haunting scream of her pain echoed through my ears, causing me to jolt awake I gasped for air as my lungs burns while my heart's beating was erratic. "You're okay.. just a dream," I whispered out to nothing, perhaps to convince myself that the demons of my past could not reach me any longer.

Looking over to the cracked alarm that I've thrown at the wall one too many times, I force myself to get up. Reaching the bathroom, I catch a glimpse of my reflection, my lip curled up in disgust.


I looked like I was run over by a herd of baboons. My naturally dark thick wavy hair rested against my face in a tangled mess, reminding me of a rats nest; my skin was faint.  I wasn't ugly. I just looked like I didn't take care of myself.

Given my mothers' Brazilian genes, I was graced with high cheekbones, hazel cat-like eyes, olive skin, and plump lips. I stood at a 5'8 height, always the tall child in school. I had to learn to love it.

After I was done picking at my features, I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. Today was my first shift at Lucio, after all. Lucio was a club in the city; Some would say it was quite shady, but I didn't care; drunk men tend to give generous tips. Plus, my pepper spray, who I dearly named Jose, always came in handy.

Getting out, I threw on an outfit, a baby blue off the shoulder top, and straight-legged distressed jeans; pulling on my sneakers, deciding to leave my dark waves resting against my back, I grab my stuff and bid my creaky apartment adieu.

Walking out on the street, the weather was changing, the beginning of fall. as I walked, the multi-colored leaves crunched under my feet. I smile widely as I see the neighborhood crackhead, "Hey Johnny!" I see him look at me with a toothless grin and a big wave

"Hey, Lessy, you got my goodies?"  now I know what you're thinking, and the answer is no, I'm not a crack dealer. 

"Of course, I do how I could forget Love," I say as I pass him the brown paper lunch bag filled with a sandwich and water bottle along with some extra snacks.  "You're always taking care of me, sweetheart." I wave him off with a smile

" Oh, hush, but hey, I have to go; otherwise, I'm gonna be late for my shift ill see you around, Johnny." 

"Yea yea, You take care of yourself now, you hear Lessy!" with a smile and a nod, I walk off waving my bye to him. "shit shit," my eyes widen, noticing the time on my watch, I rush to the bus stop. Almost tripping over my feet, I managed to get on. I smile sheepishly at the bus driver, who looked at me in annoyance.

I walk to the end of the bus taking my seat. My eyes flash to the city fly by through the window. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As I  walk into the dark club, the smell of Alcohol and hookah surround me;  walking my way to the bar, I look around to find the manager, "what can I get for you, sweetness?"

my eyes snap to the male voice in front of me, Hm decently attractive. Tall blonde and... noticing the look in his eyes cocky. "see something you like?" I cock an unimpressed brow at him and speak up politely.

"I was looking for Connor; I'm Alessia." I see a look of recognition flash through his eyes as a grin spreads on his lips, "New girl! Connor isn't here, but you're supposed to be training with me. I'm Aaron, looks like me, and you are going to be spending a lot of time together." Watching him wiggle his eyebrows at me, I laugh. "Don't be a creep, and we'll be fine."

After Settling in, Aaron takes me around the bar to show me the ropes; he soon left to attend a private call and was gone for the rest of the night. The club seemed to get busier; noticing the drunk herd of men, I keep to myself and wipe off the bar before a deep husky voice stops me in my tracks. "Get me a fucking bottle, Jose Cuervo." Asshole.

My thoughts are interrupted as I glance up to the root of the voice. An unfamiliar heat spreads between my thighs, my eyes drink in his appearance, a man who would put a Greek God to shame, wearing a suit that was quite snug to his muscular and lean physique.

I notice the Tattoos sprawling all over his hands, reaching up to his neck. I catch sight of his sinful plump lips, a sharp jawline that could possibly cut me, and his slightly crooked nose that might've indicated it was broken before.

I finally stop as his eyes, strikingly dark, gray, and cold. I almost shivered. "What the fuck are you looking at?" he sneers out. I look at him with a polite smile as my eyes run over him once again in a mocking manner, "nothing. I haven't seen before." Noticing something flash in his eyes, he glares at me.

Walking to the back, I grab his bottle of Jose Cuervo and place it on the bar in front of him. "Enjoy." I realize that his eyes run over my appearance as a malicious smirk spreads on his lips. "How much for the night?"

My mouth almost drops, keyword almost. "Excuse me?" My gaze sets on him, angrily, " I'm not a fucking prostitute, you ass crack, and if I was, I certainly wouldn't be wasting my time on you; you my friend have small peepee energy."  fuck Alessia too much, too much.

His jaw tenses as he stands to his full length. My eyes widen slightly. His chest stops in front of my eyes, the only thing between us the barrier of the bar; His masculinity radiates off him as his musky scent surrounds me;

I silently gulp as he smirks down at me "why don't you come find out, Kitten." I watch him throw a Franklin on the bar as he winks at me.

I watch his strong back turn to me, and my gaze doesn't move till he's out of sight , I release a breath that I didn't know I was holding in.

Put a smile on my crusty ass face by hitting that vote button, and let me know what you guys think!~Grey

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