i looked over to the living area to see a small man asleep on the couch. it was takeda. i chuckled as i say the bags down.
i was about to speak when i was cut off by his voice.
"no please don't."
i could see tears starting to fall from his eyes.
seeing him crying made me feel as if i could start crying at that moment.

i bent down to be at eye level with him. "takeda..you okay?" i asked in a hushed voice. he didn't answer with words but with wrapping his arms around my neck. i decided to bring him to his bed so his back didn't hurt in the morning from his couch.

i picked him up bridal style. he wrapped his arms around my neck. i felt blood rush into my cheeks.
my face started to go red.
'he looks so peaceful.'
i opened the door that i assumed lead into his bedroom. i didn't turn on the lights since i didn't want to bother him. i made my way to his bed.
i laid him down on his bed and grabbed a blanket from the end of bed. i turned around to see the man frowning. his cheeks were stained from the tears.
he seemed so peaceful but so sad at the same time.

i put the blanket on top of him. 'how can he be so perfect.'
'i really want to kiss him..but that would be weird.' as i tried to walk away i felt a tiny hand grab
mine. i turned around to see takedas hand gripping onto mine. i smiled at the sight of his small hand gripping on to my hand like how a child grabs their fathers hand. he spoke quietly.
i blushed even harder at the sight of a sleepy takeda.
"of course."

i bent down and kissed his forehead before i left. i felt calm but nervous  at the same exact time.
'what's this feeling..?'
i asked myself as i made my way back outside. i called a taxi but it was gonna be a few before they got there. as i stood there i saw a light flicker on.
it was takeda's light.
'what's he doing awake?'

i heard a front door open and close. i turned around to see a sleepy takeda make his way downstairs.
he was hold his wallet. "here for your taxi to get home." he held out money. before i could fight it he pushed the money into my hand. "thanks for driving me home."

he had a sweater on with his grey sweatpants.
i looked down to see a pair of bunny slipper which made me laugh. "don't laugh at my bunny sippers."
"okayyy." he stood up against the wall. "i'm so fucking proud of those boys." takeda started. "hold up did you just...cuss." he laughed.
i could see a small pinkish tint come across his face. "me too." i smiled at him.

we stood there for a few minutes before i saw a figure approaching us. he noticed the figure before me and waved. "ittetsu! what are you doing outside! it's fucking freezing."
that voice.
i know that voice.
i whipped around to see her.
her face went white.
"yeah..um. good night ukai. i'll see you soon." takeda waved as he walked upstairs.

"your back.."
i trailed off trying to fight off me crying.
"2 months ago i got back. i was going to apologize but-"
i cut her off.
"it's fine."
"so... how are you doing?"
she began.
"can we not do this."
i pointed to the two of us.
"we can't just pretend that it didn't happen. i can't just fucking pretend like it didn't fucking hurt when you left with no fucking explanation."
her face looked surprised.
for some reason.
"i..." she started.

i couldn't take this anymore.
i walked away.
"can't we at least get a tea or something.." i turned around.
not being able to control myself i ran up to her and kissed her.
it felt different. not the good kind of different.
but like a distraction.
a distraction from him.
a distraction from my real feelings.

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