prologue:welcome to the island

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??? Pov

I still remember what happend a few months ago all the pain the agony the hate in me still grows but sometimes its best to let go...

But i won't not now not until they feel MY PAIN!!!

Now you might be wondering who am my.

My name is y/n l/n i used to be student at union accademy and was bullied abused neglected cheated by everyone in that place of a school and now i have to deal with them again here but this time things are different now they will know what it's like to feel powerless and weak now

Welcome union to the island of the dead


Then we see i flash of light and alot of people are on the groun.



Sorry i have not updated for so long i have just been transferred to campus since i was taking online classes because i was bored at home but i will still write in my free time or when i feel like it .

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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