⚤ Flashback ⚤

Start from the beginning

— One more word and we're out — Liz warned. — Me and Cherica. We'll spend the night at a motel and then fly home, and I don't know when you will see us. You and father.

Mrs. Chambers was silent, staring at her daughter. Liz has changed a lot - the sweet and kind girl disappeared, and a woman with severe mood swings appeared.

— And you'd be willing to do that, Lizzie?

— Of course — Liz took out a cigarette and lit it, to her mother's objection. — What else do you want? If you want, you can go to Prince now and tell him everything. But then you won't see me or Cherica.

Liz was smoking, and her mother stared at her sadly. If it weren't for the fact that Liz really loved and cared for Cherica, she and her husband would have thought of taking her child away. Living with an unstable mother was nothing good for a lovely little girl like Cherica.

If only Prince knew the truth ...


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Kendall Chambers drove home with the morning paper, thinking about the last day he had his daughter and granddaughter. Cherica was his great love and Liz rarely visited them. Kendall had wanted to contact Prince more than once to tell him that he had a daughter, but he was afraid of Liz's revenge.

Yes, Liz was effectively controlling them. Kendall could see something was going on with his daughter. Tantrums, incomprehensible dislike of Prince, who really loved her and cared for her. And that mystery that kept Kendall on.

The man was walking in thought, so he did not hear someone called to him:

— Ken, Ken!

A firm grip on his arm made him realize that someone had stopped him. Mr. Chambers paused, confused. The person who stopped him was his former military colleague and also Prince's father, John Nelson.

— What's the matter with you, man? — John asked chuckling. — Are you pretending you don't know people? So lost in love, huh?

—Hi, John —Kendall smirked, forcefully. —What are you doing here?

—I'm visiting my son — John, who was much shorter than Kendall, replied. —Prince has achieved what I have never done. And now so much is happening. Did you see that movie?

— Purple and what next?

— "Purple Rain" — John smiled slightly. — Only what  shows in the film is a certain fiction. I've never been a bad husband to Mattie, you know that, don't you?

— Sure, John. You know, I'm in a rush, sorry. — Kendall felt himself getting hot. John started a delicate topic about his son, and any minute soon he would ask what was up with Liz.

— Have you seen this movie, my friend?

— No, I didn't have time.

— No? — John was a little surprised. — Don't worry, I have a wonderful offer for you and Estelle. I invite you and your wife to a private show. We must forget what happened to our children. Estelle said Liz had a partner, right?

— Yes Yes...

—Prince still has some women, too — John frowned. — But that's his life, he's an adult. He must have screwed up and that's why Lizzie decided to break up, but never mind. Let me walk you away.

Then Kendall felt his throat go dry. If Cherica is playing outside and John sees her, questions will arise.

— Is that necessary? I have to get back quickly, and you like slow walking and ... — Kendall began.

— Then we'll go your fast pace, Ken. Why are you so tense? Is Estelle a tyrant in your house again? Seriously, haven't you thought about having sex with her again? There are suitable pills for potency and you know ...

Kendall didn't want to hear this. He was not going to get rid of John - all he wanted was for Cherica not to play outside the house.

It was the longest and most nervous return home. John forcibly kept the conversation going, and Kendall thought about keeping his granddaughter at home. Fortunately, she wasn't outside.

—So, should I book a special screening for us tomorrow? —John asked as he and Kendall stopped in front of the Chambers' house. Kendall was already opening his mouth to decline when the froint door swung open and Cherica burst through it, shouting,

— Grandpa, you are finally here!

Kendall stiffened, and John's eyes widened. Cherica stood next to the men and looked at Kendall with a smile.

—Grandma made delicious cookies — Cherica said happily. —I was helping her.

— Is this your granddaughter? — John asked, raising an eyebrow at the little girl.— is that Liz's daughter?

— No — Kendall said and saw Cherica open her mouth. He put his hand over her mouth, to John's surprise. — Not exactly. This is her future stepdaughter, but we treat this child like our granddaughter, you understand.

John was looking at the little girl, who, without understanding anything, was staring at her grandfather with huge brown eyes.

I want to understand — John muttered. —If Liz has a new family, what's the secret? She and my son are no longer together and I won't tell Prince about it. He couldn't bear that fact.

— Yes, it's true — Kendall said quickly.— Sorry John, but we really have to go and unfortunately we won't come to your screening. Now goodbye.

Then he took his granddaughter's hand and Cherica looked back. John Nelson watched her go, and the little girl waved at him. The man raised his hand, and a thought caught him.

This child ... Why didn't Kendall mention that Liz has a new partner, maybe even a husband and a daughter? What the fuck is this secret?

Of course I wouldn't tell my son about it. It would kill him. He had a hard time accepting that he had lost Liz. And now suddenly her child appeared, whom Kendall introduced as his daughter's stepdaughter. What a stupid thing. Liz has chosen to live with someone other than my son, and that's her business.

But this little girl ... Yes, she looked very much like Liz, but with those eyes.

No, John shook his head. The kid has his mother's eyes.

Yes, that thought occurred to him. That this little girl's eyes are like his son's.

If Prince had a daughter, Kendall and Estelle would have told me. It would be crazy to keep silent on such a serious topic.

John Nelson did not know how wrong he was and how wrong it was that he did not tell his son about this meeting. This will haunt John to his death.

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