(25) AAAAAAAHH!!!!!

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I woke up the next day, feeling more tired than usual. I went to the hospital in the afternoon this time. My moms said I wasn't eating enough, so they made me before I left. I get there, and there's yet another machine.

I sat in the chair next to his bed and just looked at him. "Hey, bubs. I don't know if you can hear me, but get better soon. We think we know what happened to you, but there's no proof. Gina came up with a ridiculous plan to get some evidence, but with our luck, it's bound to fall through," I say with a chuckle.

This whole Jessica thing is making me go a little crazy. Here I am talking to my... I don't know what we are at the moment, while he's in a coma and can't respond. I really have lost it.

His phone kept buzzing on the table. You'd think his dad would've wanted to take it home, but he said he wants Ricky to text him when he wakes up, even though the doctors and nurses have that covered. I picked it up to turn the ringer off; it was starting to get annoying. But he had so many missed messages from Jessica. I didn't scroll through all of them, but a recent one caught my eye.

You know what happens if you continue to ignore me! I didn't know what to think. I put his phone down and was considering telling Jessica he was in the hospital. What was she going to do if he didn't respond? I took a picture of the message to show everyone else for when I saw them next.

"I hope to see you open your eyes soon." I squeeze his hand and leave.

I was at Nini's house waiting for her to get back from visiting Ricky. Ever since that day, she hasn't missed a day to go. Whether the sun was up or down, she went at least once a day.

I heard the front door, close, then footsteps on the stairs. Nini opened her bedroom door and her eyes went wide.

"Kourtney, what are you doing here?" she asked, sitting next to me.

"I came for answers."

"Ok, I already told you what Ricky told me about Jessica."

"I know, but I have another question."

"Go ahead."

"How did Ricky tell you he loved you?" I could see her smile at the question.

"Didn't I already tell this at the park?"

"Yes, but I know there's more. I want every detail."

"Fine..." I cut her off.

"She said she'll tell!" I went and opened her closet. Gina and Ashlyn came crashing out.

"How long have guys been there?" Nini asked standing up.

"Long enough for this hanger to become a part of me," Ashlyn said as she pulled a hanger out that was caught on her shirt.

"Spill everything," Gina said, going to sit next to Nini.

I love my crazy friends.

"So, we already know that he said it and wasn't listening to you talk. But there has to be more," Gina begged as I was smiling like crazy.

"What's the smiling for?" Kourtney asked, smirking.

"Just thinking about what happened," I say. I stand up and start pacing around, trying to tone down the red rising in my face.

"SPILL!!!" they all said in unison.

"Alright, sheesh. I hope my ears still work when I'm done."

"No promises," Ashlyn says.

"So, I was rambling on about Jessica and noticed he wasn't paying attention. I got him to focus again, and before I knew it, he kissed me." I covered my ears waiting for them to scream.

"AAAAAAAHH!!!!!" They started jumping up and down in circles.

"Is everything ok up there?" I heard Mama C ask.

"No, we are not ok!! The Rini world is coming back together!!!" Ashlyn yelled downstairs.

"Can I finish!?!" I yell over their yelling. "Also, I'd like to keep my ability to hear!!"

"Yes, of course." The room fell silent again in a matter of seconds.

"Wait, did he say "I love you' before or after the kiss?" Kourtney asked.


"How long?" Ashlyn asked.

"What do you mean 'how long?'?" I questioned.

"How long was the kiss?" Gina answered for her.

"Just, like, a minute for two," I said quietly, putting my hand behind my neck. A smile forms thinking back.


"Again?! Really!?!" I have to yell to be heard over these crackheads.

"What's your definition of 'a minute or two'?" Kourtney asked.

"We're not going that far," I say with a smile still plastered across my face. I'm sure I'm every shade of red.

"So what are you guys now?" Ashlyn asked, finally somewhat calming down. Not really.

"I don't know. He has to break up with Jessica first before we can go any further," I explained.

"If he's too nervous, I'll break up with her for him," Kourtney said raising her hand.

"We could have a plane write in smoke 'I'm dumping your ass ~Ricky' outside her house," Gina suggested. I laughed at the thought.

"The thing is, he said he's been trying to end things for over a month. But, they've been dating for over a month."

"She brainwashed him at the start, that's how the 'relationship' got started," Gina said falling backward onto my bed.

"Well, he would've told me his reasons for 'dating' her if he hadn't passed out." The image of him collapsing to the ground started playing in my head again. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Don't worry, he'll get through this." They all came up and hugged me.

"Now, who has the funds to rent a plane?" Gina asked, pulling away.

"Gina! We're not actually doing that!" I say, hitting her shoulder.

"Fine, it's going on the list of ideas though," she said tapping her temple.

"Don't do anything that'll put you in jail," I said sternly.

"Ok ok, I won't."

"Gina," I said, grabbing her shoulders, "Do NOT, I repeat do NOT go to jail. Do you understand?" I spoke slowly in an attempt to let the question sink in.

"I promise I will not go to jail. I may have to break that promise if Ricky stays in that hospital any longer."

"Add that to the list, 'Gina does something that lands her in jail'," Ashlyn said with her hands.

Sometimes, I question how we know each other.


Sorry for the late upload😬. I almost forgot, but when I opened Wattpad to update, I got distracted by other stories.

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