Seeing dong hua, the eldest demon spoke out, "what's the use of niceties, here? You have always been biased toward the gods. No matter how we address you, you are still going to fight to kill us."

With a straight emotionless face, dong hua replied, "your hearts don't strive for a life of peace and calm. If they did, I would have welcomed you all with open arms under my protection. You live for chaos and mayhem which I will never endorse. The bias you speak of is not of gods and demons, it is of a being's very nature. As for the other matter, it seems like I need to remind you of the importance of courtesy and respect."

Before the eldest demon could say anything, he felt like all the air in his body was being sucked out. From the lack of air, the demon started to gasp and cry. His body crippling up and starting to dry out.

Seeing him struggle for air, dong hua spoke out, "this is the importance of respect, remember that in your next life."

The eldest demon choked for a long time before he gave out completely. Enraged with the death of a fellow demon, the demonic army came to a stage of unrest. They readied their weapons with the singular focus of attacking dong hua in mind. However, when they jumped up in the air to reach him, several bolts of lightning came thundering above them. The most surprising of all was the fact that the bolts had come from the side instead they came from the sky. Even dong hua hadn't moved at all, he was still lounging lazily on his radial cloud structure. Puzzled, they looked around to find the source of the lightning.

Seeing their confused expressions, dong hua waved his hand once and the mist that was bordering around the ancient demon burial ground cleared up.

Behind the mist appeared a solid wall of a crystal-like surface. When they looked up to find the beginning of this crystal wall, what they found instead was not a wall at all.

It was cang he. The sword had stretched itself so much in size that it spanned from the ground to the sky like an imposing mountain. Not only that, it had multiplied itself into thousands of counterparts that were now spread out around the demon burial ground like a prison wall separating the prisoners from the outside world. As they watched, a current seemed to be accumulating around the multiple forms of canghe.

Before the demons could understand, the electricity bolts started shooting out from this sword made wall. Since the wall had surrounded them from all sides in a circular formation and each of those sides was blasting heavy bolts of current, the demons had nowhere to go. Most of the demon army was killed because of these heavy bursts of electricity in one go. A handful of the older demons managed to protect themselves from the initial bolts but they were then fried to their very bones directly by dong hua. He blasted them with his own cultivation.

After getting rid of all the alive demons, it was now time for dong hua to take care of the whole demonic burial site. Dong hua got off the radial cloud platform and landed swiftly on the ground. Standing at the point where he had detected the presence of the hellfire, he sat down in a lotus position near it and placed his hands on the ground beside him. centering his spirit, he channeled his aura inside the surface of the land. As he went deeper and deeper inside the surface, he found that the ancient and prehistoric demon spirits have started stirring up. this just reinforced his decision of purifying this land for once and for all, getting rid of all these variables together. After a few minutes, he finally found the single flame of hellfire burning deep inside the ground. He enclosed the flame in his aura and started to slowly coax it out of the ground. Since hellfire can't be extinguished, it took him a couple of minutes to pull it out of the surface. When the flame emerged from the ground, he produced a small earthen pot into his hand and placed it safely inside. Magicking away the small pot containing the flame, he turned his attention back to the burial site.

Standing tall, he called up the cloud platform again. the radial platform was not a simple cloud by any means. It was in fact the miniature form of a twelve spoke purifying chakra which dong hua had made from a cloud. The significance of this chakra was that it was the spirit purifying sorcery that dong hua himself had come up with. He had modified several ancient spells and integrated them to create this particular sorcery that could purify the natural elements as well as the spirits. So, to sanctify this contaminated land, only this sorcery could be used.

Extending his hands in front of him, dong hua started expanding the purifying chakra to multiple times its original size. By the time dong hua stopped, the floating cloud form of the chakra covered the entire demon burial site underneath it. satisfied by its size, dong hua opened his palms and aimed towards the cloud formation. The now rotating chakra was soon enveloped by various flows of air, water, soil, and leaves. These streams of elements were channeled through donghua as the primordial spirit of nature himself, he was infusing the chakra of light with the other elements. After the process was complete, donghua, the chakra was now spinning at full speed and had begun to glow with a golden luminescence. donghua again jumped up in the air and crossing his hands at the wrists, he completed the spell and pushed the golden spinning chakra down towards the ground.

The visual at that moment was something to behold. Within a crystal wall made of multiples of canghe, a spinning golden chakra was getting infused with the earth while an imposing silver-haired god watched from the sky. When the chakra met the surface, the whole atmosphere was imbued with a golden divine glow. Under the watchful eye of dong hua, the purification was soon complete as the golden light died down and the ground didn't reek of foul spirit presence anymore. Instead, the earlier barren land was now thriving with greenery. Small plants and saplings sprouted out from the surface, the air flowed fresh and clean, the darkness and ominousness that had earlier covered the land like a shadow were now lifted. The atmosphere was now clean and light.

done with the purification, dong hua again checked beneath the surface for the presence of any leftover spirits but he found none. The burial site had indeed been cleansed to its fullest. Satisfied with his work, dong hua searched for feng jiu's presence in his mind. No matter what he did or where he was he could always feel her presence right there. their bond had become so strong over time that now they didn't even need the feel to search out each other's mind to connect, the link was always there waiting for them to open it. but now, something felt off to donghua. No matter how much he searched, he couldn't connect to that link. A sense of foreboding fell over him. this time though he checked for the spell he had placed on the heart ring, he had given feng jiu as her wedding gift but the ring reported nothing out of the normal. Confused as to what was happening on the battlefield, dong hua suddenly felt a change in his primordial spirit. It was unbalanced and, at that moment, the only thought that flashed across his mind was that something had happened to feng jiu.

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