Waiting for him to run towards me, I quickly ducked as he jumped, turning my body biting down on his stomach throwing him towards the tree. I watched as he whimpered trying to get up but I didn't let that happen. Running towards him, I bit down on his front teeth and I listened as he wailed and howled out in pain against my mouth making me bite down even harder, I gave a satisfaction growl of approval when I heard the sound of his bones snapping like a pair of twigs before he shifted back into his human form. I let out another growl and watched as he whimpered again cowering away from me, trying to hide away from me.

Before I could do anything else, I heard paws running towards me from my left making me look over to see another wolf charging at me, growling loudly. I noticed it was a girl and I assumed that the girl was his mate from the way her eyes were hooded with anger and pain. 

She left her whole neck unprotected as she charged trying to jump on me but it was to bad that she had no idea what she was doing because once she jumped up I jumped up biting her neck not hard enough to kill her but hard enough to stop her from fighting me, I waited for her to stop moving before throwing her towards her mate. They were both unconcious so I mind-linked some of the wolves telling them to take the two back to the cellar.

Turning around, I watched mine and the other pack fight against each other but I didn't linger to long at the sight, my eyes narrowed at the Alpha of the other pack who was now staring at me with pure hatred in his eyes and I let out a growl. We both charged at each other, everyone moving out of our way as we made our way towards each other.

Just as we made our way towards each other, a sickening feeling ran through my body. It was then that I realized something had gone terribly wrong. Not to me, but to Lottie.


Lottie POV

I ran a hand through my hair, Olivia, the children and I were currently in the basement while Tyler was outside guarding the door. I let out a irretated sigh, I wanted to go help, I wanted to help Mason and hurt Blake for hurting my babies, but how was I suppose to do that when I was being locked up. I know that I should stay put and stay with my children, protect them if they needed protection but I also knew they were going to be safe as long as they had protection which they did.

All of a sudden, Olivia lets out a loud howl of pain, her body slumping to the floor and I rushed over to her, placing my babies carefully on the floor.

"Olivia are you okay?" I shouted at her but all I got was a whimper before a wink, telling me that she was fine. My face held confusion before she mouthed 'play along'. My eyes widened when I realized that she was helping me and I nodded my head mouthing 'thank you' to her.

"Tyler! Get in here, Olivia is hurt!" I shouted and immediately Tyler came in slamming the door open, making me shoot him a glare as my babies jumped from surprise, crying a little.

"Sorry! What's wrong with her!?" Tyler questioned sending an apologetic smile towards the kids.

"I-I don't know but you have to help her!" I pleaded my eyes holding worry and concern.

Tyler nodded his head, before crouching down towards Olivia, checking for any injuries. "I think it may be her mates pain, she seems to have no injuries but I contacted the pack doctor, he'll be here soon" Tyler stated and I nodded my head before walking behind him, I grabbed a chair and cringed at how this might hurt him.

"I'm sorry Tyler" I whispered but before he got the chance to do anything I swung the steel chair against his head knocking him out completely. I watched as Olivia stopped her whimpering before looking at me with wide eyes and I shrugged.

"I said I was sorry, anyways the pack doctor will be here soon so I have to go, look after my children Olivia. Thank you" I smiled at her and she nodded her head. "Of course" She replied.

Turning around, I walked to my babies, bending down and giving each of them a kiss, smiling at them. "Mommy will be back real soon, you be good to Olivia" I said smiling as they nodded their head smiling at me with a toothy grin giggling as I ruffled their hair.

Giving them one last smile, I quickly made my way up the stairs, and out the house. It was a good thing that not many wolves were here as they were guarding the whole place further away from the pack house to make the other wolves stay further away from the house.

Shifting into my wolf, I ran in the direction to where Mason was, I knew it wouldn't be long before he picked up my scent or got word that I had escaped so I had to hurry to them otherwise he would probably get the other wolves take me back to the pack house.

Soon enough I could see wolves fighting each other and I ran a little faster knowing I was close by, when I was close enough I took a whiff until I found who I was looking for.


Running towards the moving figure, I was suddenly stopped when a wolf jumped out at me, making me duck at the last second. Looking over, I saw someone I never thought I would meet again.

Blakes brother, Ryan. I had only met Blakes brother once and let me tell you, he hated me from the start. So much so that he punched me in the face when we were alone and Blake was grabbing pizza from us. The only reason he hated me was because I was the Alpha's daughter. The same daughter who made him rogue because he had gone power hunger with greed and wanted the Alpha title to himself, trying to kill my father which in the end didn't work. He was only allowed to step foot into the pack territory once every two months to see his family. Of course he was under servaillence but it still didn't help him when he hit me, which caused my dad to go nuts, telling him he could never set foot again. That was the reason why I hadn't seen him. Until Now.

I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I was thrown from one side to another hitting a tree making me whimper as I felt the wind taken out of me. I looked up to see Ryan running towards me and I got up, but I was to slow, slamming me against the tree again, he bit into the side of my neck clutching down on it hard making me howl out in pain. Scratching the side of his stomach he let go of me taking a step back before growling lowly at me.

Getting up slowly, I growled at him, ignoring the pain in my neck, coming at me again, he leapt at me, but I ducked taking hold of his back leg as I bit down hard making him growl. But I didn't stop there, biting him again but this time in his stomach, I ripped my mouth from his stomach hearing him howl before his body slumped from the amount of blood seeping through his wound, he layed on the floor. I didn't last very long after that, because once I had used all my energy in that one attack, my body slumped to the floor, my vision going black.


Hey Guys!

Hope you liked this chapter!! I also hope it's long enough for you guys!! I'm so sorry that I hadn't posted a chapter in awhile! I had no internet therefore making it impossible to update but I hope this chapter made up for it!! Comment down below what you think of the chapter! Do you think Lottie is okay!? Are you glad the Blake and Rose got an ass whopping from Mason?? Who do you think will when the Alpha Battle!? Tell me what you think!!


Until Next Time


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