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"Hey! Mikasa! Mikasa!" Eren had come inside her house and tried to wake her up. (btw they told each other where the spare keys are outside their house)

Mikasa stirred "h-huh? Eren? What are you doing here?"

"Oh thank god." He said as he gave a sigh of relief.
"You were on the phone remember? and then you just collapsed."

"Oh..heh.. thats embarrassing." Mikasa said as she chuckled a little.

"Maybe we should see a doctor." Eren suggested

"Sure." Mikasa said.

[9:30 PM]

"Ok well I gotta go. Oh! also." He began while getting his stuff and going to the front door. "If something like this happens again call me k?"

"Sure thing." She replied smiling.

Then they waved and Eren left.

[2:45 AM]

Mikasa was tossing and turning in her bed. She was having a nightmare. Blood and water everywhere. Kids screaming. Kids dead. Bus driver seizing. But what was worse is that Eren was dead. He was protecting Mikasa from the fall and then he hit the floor and next thing you know hes on the floor with a busted head and his eyes open but showing no life.

"EREN! HEY! WAKE UP! PLEASE!!" Mikasa screamed and cried.

Then Mikasa shot up from her bed "EREN!" she was gasping for air and panting heavily. Her head was dripping sweat and her eyes were watering. Then she felt if again. He head was throbbing and pulsing like crazy. She held her head with 2 hand and started crying louder.

"If something like this happens again call me k?"

She remembered Eren's words and picked up her phone.

"2:45? Theres no way he would wake up.." Mikasa said and tried to sleep but she couldn't. She stayed up the whole night.


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