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I sat with Blair, Serena, and the rest of the girls at Blair's sitting at a table. Blair's 18th birthday is coming and she's making plans. "Though it seems like just yesterday Serena, Lena, and I were 8 and playing dress-up in my mother's vintage Manolos, my 18th birthday has finally arrived." Blair said and I laughed. "The party needs to be perfect, so blood orange martinis or beluga and belvedere?"

"Why don't we make different drinks tonight and do a taste test?" Penelope asked.

"I can't. I'm meeting my mother's new boyfriend." Blair said.

"Even moms have boyfriends, and I don't." Hazel complained and I rolled my eyes.

"Cyrus has been one of my mom's attorneys since the divorce. He asked her out when they first met but she didn't wanna mix business with pleasure. Finally, his amorous overtures wore her down, and she agreed to dinner. She's been smitten ever since." Blair explained.

"Oh, that's so romantic." I said and she smiled.

"One thing my mom has is good taste in men." Blair said letting out a deep breath. "Maybe a dashing stepdad is just what I need."

"Speaking of good taste in men, how's the sexy artist, Serena?" Penelope asked and Serena smiled.

"Aaron's amazing. He's been sending me these maps to the most beautiful places. The other day I ended up in a private room in the Cloisters, overlooking the gardens." Serena said and I chuckled.

"Spare them the details. Hazel will kill herself from envy." I mocked and Blair chuckled.

Serena's phone started ringing. "This is him again. I gotta go." Serena said standing up and Blair looked at her.

"What? What about my party?" Blair asked and Serena kissed her cheek.

"Blood orange martinis all the way." Serena said before walking away.

Blair looked over at me. "I always knew she was smart." I said and Blair smiled making a note of it.


I was at my locker getting my things with Serena when I noticed Blair walking over to us. "I called you both, like, ten times last night. Where have you been?" Blair asked.

"It's been crazy at my house." I said shaking my head and shutting my locker.

"I went to the dentist at lunch and yesterday I met Aaron in times square. It was the most romantic thing." Serena said.

"Who cares about plaque or pretentious artists when your best friend's having a meltdown?" Blair asked. "He's totally unsuitable." 

I looked at her confused. "Who is?" I asked.

Blair rolled her eyes. "Cyrus. He's 5 feet tall. He has a catchphrase, and he's a hugger. I was expecting Cary Grant, and I got Danny Devito."

"That sounds awful." I said and Serena looked at her phone.

"Sorry. I gotta run." Serena said.

"Oh, Aaron?" I asked and Serena nodded with a smile on her face.

"Yeah. He asked me to pose for him in his studio, to be his muse." Serena bragged.

"And you said yes?" Blair said in her 'ruin you plans' tone.

"Why not? It's romantic." I said and Blair scoffed.

"No, it's a death trap. Being the muse never works out." Blair said and she does kind of have a point.

"Plenty of women have been both lover and muse to famous artists, like Picasso." Serena said.

"Serena, a guy starts out in his blue period, and everything's great, but it's only a matter of time before he's all into cubism, and it's some other girl's eye coming out of her forehead." Blair said and I chuckled.

"I'm gonna go." Serena said, walking away.

I turned to leave and Blair grabbed my arm. "Wait!"

"What?" I asked.

"What about the gnome? I have to take him down." Blair said and I sighed.

"Blair, sweetie, enough." I said and she rolled her eyes. "You always said you wanted to be an elegant woman at 18 like Grace Kelly."

Blair paused for a moment nodding. "You're right. I'm going to be an adult. I'll try and tolerate him."

I smiled at her. "Good girl." I said.


I was sitting at Blair's party with Serena and the rest of the girls. They were on the couch and I was sitting in a chair next to them. "There's a totally cute guy over there." Hazel said.

"The busboy?" Penelope asked.

"Beggars can't be choosers." Hazel said and I tried really not to laugh, but it still came out.

"How's your totally cute boyfriend, Serena?" Penelope asked.

"He's not exactly my boyfriend." Serena said.

"You mean he's free?" Hazel asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Hazel, I can hear your desperation from the other room." Blair said walking over to us. "Serena, what's wrong?" Blair nudged herself next to Serena pushing the minions back on the couch to force herself some room.

"I think you were right. The whole muse thing kinda backfired." Serena said.

"I would say I told you so, but since I'm now 18, I'll refrain." Blair said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We had this amazing night. I modeled for him, and he did this incredible installation." Serena said, smiling at the thought.

"He totally loves you." Iz said and Serena sighed.

"But then another girl showed up at the studio, and she modeled for him, and they've been hanging out all day."

"So Pablo's already moved on?" Blair asked. "That was faster than I thought."

"Blair!" I snapped at her. "Listen, Serena, it's okay this happened. I hate to say it, but this way you can get out before you're in too deep."


I was sitting on my bed on the phone with Serena and Blair. I was sitting criss-cross and flipping through a magazine. "I can't believe Aaron is Cyrus' son. Of course, you get the prince, and I get stuck with the toad." Blair said and I chuckled.

"It doesn't look like I'm gonna have the fairy tale ending. I went to have a talk with Aaron yesterday."

"And?" I asked.

"Instead, he had a talk with me. I really tried to deal with the casual dating thing but I guess it's just not for me." Serena explained.

"Of course not, because beneath that free spirit facade, you're totally conventional, just like me and Blair."

"It's not a facade. I believe in freedom, people following their hearts, doing what they want." Serena said. "You know I always wish I'd lived in the '60s."

"You believe in long hair, peasant skirts, and sandals, but you in an open relationship? I don't think so." Blair said.

"Speaking of relationships, how are you faring with Cyrus and Eleanor?" Serena asked.

"He's not exactly my cup of tea, but he makes my mother happy, and - he's not that bad." Blair said.

"I'm proud of you." I said.

"It's not like I have to see him that often. He'll come to pick her up for dinner once, twice a week--I have to go." Blair suddenly said before hanging up the phone. A part of me doesn't even wanna know. 

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