Chapter 20 - Yule Ball

Start from the beginning

'I do not.' Replied Fred and George in unison.

'And even if she is kissing someone tonight, it will probably be Harry.' Grinned Olivia. 'And you already lik-'

Olivia was forcibly cut off by Ginny's hand on her mouth. 'Shut up.' Said Ginny, giggling. They quickly left the common room, before Fred and George had the chance to lock up their little sister.

Olivia felt more and more anxious as she made her way to the stairs which led to the Great hall. She could hear the chatter and laughs from other students. It seemed as if the butterflies in her stomach were having a life of their own.
Olivia wiped her hands nervously off on her dress. As she turned the corner she saw Cedric. She suddenly stopped walking as if there was a barrier which prevented her from going further. Cedric was wearing a black suit, which showed off his athletic figure. His usually messy hair was now neatly combed. The gel made it look darker, but it suited his eyes. She cursed the universe for making that sight flutter her heart.  Ginny pinched Olivia's hand nervously as they walked down the stairs. When Cedric looked at her direction his eyes widened. He quickly walked towards her and offered her his hand, which Olivia gradually took.

'Hi.' Was all Olivia could say, suddenly at a loss of words.

'You look beautiful Liv'

'Well, you don't look too bad yourself.' Smiled Olivia, regaining herself a bit.

Cedric's eyes spotted the shining object she was wearing around her neck. 'You are wearing it!' He exclaimed excitedly at the sight of his necklace.

'Of course.'

Cedric pulled her in for a hug, making Olivia's heart race even more. Regaining herself my ass.
She looked over at Ginny and Harry, who were both smiling at each other, engulfing each other in a hug as well. They were so adorable.

'Are you nervous?' Asked Cedric, making her eyes shift back at him.

'A bit.' Confessed Olivia. 'You?'

'Not really.' Answered Cedric. 'I mean I'm dancing with you, so why would I.'

A smile crept up her cheeks.  Olivia murmured something along the lines of all the more reasons to be terrified under her breath, but Cedric seemed to not hear it.

'I've got something for you.' Said Cedric mysteriously.

'Really?' Aksked Olivia. 'What is it?'

Cedric pulled something flowery out of his inside pocket. 'A corsage'

He took Olivia's hand and put on the corsage. It was decorated with light blue and white flowers, which matched perfectly with her dress. How did he know she would be wearing blue?

'I love it!' Olivia studied the corsage on her wrist and then looked into Cedric's eyes. 'Thank you.'

Cedric didn't reply but only smiled at her as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
Olivia was sure that she would be as red as the horrendous ruffles of Ron's gala robe, once she would enter the Great Hall. 

Champions, gather at the front please.' McGonnagal broke the silence.  She informed them that they had to wait at the front door, while the other students entered. It would only be after a big announcement that they were allowed to enter. Olivia listened to Harry and Cedric's talk about quidditch. Boys. They are almost as obsessed with the topic as Oliver Wood.
As the music started to play, the doors opened.  Olivia noticed that her hands were still intertwined with Cedric's as he led her towards the door. She took a deep breath and followed Hermione and Kruml into the great hall. It was beautiful! It resembled the inside of a snow globe, snowflakes flowing down.  The icicles hanging from the ceiling glittered in the light. Large green garlands hung on the walls, filling the room with a forest scent. Some mistletoe branches hung crosswise from the star-studded ceiling, which made her heart flutter for some reason.  They walked onto the blue-greyish dance floor. Olivia avoided everyone's glances as they got into their positions.

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