chapter 21 - The Yule Ball pt.2

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Olivia Fred and George tried to get back to their group, squirming through the crowd who were wildly dancing to Just Like and Elf. Olivia silently cursed at her large dress, which made it even more difficult to pass between people. But it was still pretty tho. Absolutely no regrets.  Certainly not after Cedric's reaction when he saw her. Wait- she shook her head.
As they reunited with the rest, Olivia walked over to Cedric, who stood with his back facing the group. As she approached him, she noticed that he was talking to someone. Also know as Cho Chang. She was dressed in a tight silver dress, which ended at her calves. She looked a bit like a candle holder or maybe even grandma's antique cutlery.  Olivia snickered at her own thoughts. Cho finally spotted Olivia and glared at her up and down. This made Cedric turn around. He smiled as he noticed the girl. He took Olivia's hand and guided her towards him. 

'You know what, never mind.' Said Cho bitterly. She turned around and walked away, being swallowed by the crowd. 

'What was that about?' Asked Olivia confused. 

'She saw that you were gone, so she came to ask me if I wanted to dance.' Replied Cedric. 'She said that I looked a bit lonely.' 

Lonely my ass. Thought Olivia. She had been gone barely three minutes. She waited for him to continue talking, but Cedric didn't get the hint.

'So?'  She asked him finally.

'Well, I said no of course.' He replied as if it was obvious. 'I'm talking to you right now, aren't I. Not with her.' 

'I would have understood it if you wanted to dance with her, you know.' Said Olivia trying not to appear clingy. 'I mean, you still can if you want.' 

'And leave your poor soul all alone?' Chuckled Cedric. 

When they rejoined the group, Olivia noticed Ron was gone. He was here five minutes ago. She stood on her tippy toes, not making much of a difference from her heels, and looked through the crowd. She shrugged it off thinking he probably went to the bathroom or something. 
The rest of the evening went by quickly. There was something about parties like these that just hit different. Maybe it was the vibe or just the people she was with, but Olivia felt like she was truly alive. An overwhelming feeling of happiness. All of them went towards the photo corner where an overexcitedly Dennis Creevey took their pictures. They quickly headed back towards the dancefloor when they heard You're the Wizard I Want  (get it :) )
Olivia felt dizzy as a result of Dean making her spin around an abnormal amount of times. He engulfed her in a hug to stop her from falling. Cedric glared at the scene unfolding in front of his eyes but changed his expression once he made eye contact with Olivia. She smiled sweetly at him, cheeks red from all the dancing.  Olivia's sides hurt from laughing so much this evening. 

'Who are you to say what I can and cannot do?!' Yelled Ginny, gaining the attention of Olivia Cedric and a few bystanders. 

'Your older brothers!' Replied Fred. 'Who are protecting you- '

'-And making sure nothing happens.' Finished George, eyes focussing at Harry, who stood awkwardly along the sideline of the fight.

'Oh, you're one to talk.' Said Ginny pointing towards George. 'Because I think it was you earlier, who I saw snogging Alicia. Or am I mistaken.' 

George mumbled something. His ears now bright red. 

Cedric and Olivia looked awkwardly at each other, not knowing if they should interfere or not. 

'Uhm, shall we go for a walk?' Offered Cedric. 

Olivia nodded eagerly at his offer to flee this scene. He grabbed her hand and walked towards the exit.

'Oi, do it safely lovebirds' Grinned Newt. 

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