Route 1 For Reals

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With our newest member of our group Ari joining us with her Pikachu and Eevee, we head out to the grassy scenery that is Route 1. We trudge through the tall grass as we see many Pokémon roam throughout the greenery. Caterpie, Weedle, Sentret, Rattata, and so much more. 

"Alright! I'm gonna catch a grass type Pokémon!" I face the two of them. "If I'm gonna get started on my team, I'm gonna need a grass type and a fire type at least on my team so I can have the first three starting types."

Leo nods. "Understandable. In that case, I'm going to catch a flying type! I'm gonna need one to transport myself places."

"Oh good point!" I reply. I'm really eager to catch my own Pokémon to start of my team.

"Well, while you guys do that I'm gonna find a cutie Caterpie! When they evolve into Butterfree they're so gorgeous! I'm not into Pokémon battling but into Pokémon Showcasing!" Ari states excitedly.

"Pokémon Showcasing? What's that?" I ask since I've never heard about it until now.

"Pokémon Showcasing is where you dress up Pokémon in cute outfits and compete to win medals!  There are two stages. The special event and the showcase."

"Oh sounds interesting! Well, whenever you have a show Kyo and I will cheer you on!" I say.

"Fro! For reals!"

"Same here." Leo adds.

Ari nods excitedly. "Thanks you guys!" 

We keep walking down the route, I scout to see any Pokémon I may want. I look to my left and there! A Bounsweet! I knew I would find a good grass type here!

"Kyo, there! A Bounsweet! Let's catch it!" Kyo nods and springs into battle. "Kyo use Pound!" He leaps at the Bounsweet. The Bounsweet notices and retaliates with Bullet Seed. "It already knows Bullet Seed? Wow! Let's go! Pound again!" Kyo uses Pound again and hits the Bounsweet and it was a direct hit! The Bounsweet is a bit wounded, so I take my chance. I throw the PokeBall at it and it goes in! One wobble....two wobbles...three wobbles! And click! I caught myself a Bounsweet!

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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