Love At First Flight - Part Two

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The next few days in Moomin Valley were spent crafting a new aeroplane. Captain (Y/n) (L/n) spent most of the time with Snork, showing him how she built it and the materials that were used.

"This is unlike anything I've ever seen!" Snork lowered the blueprints then looked at the aeroplane in awe. "How did you ever come up with this idea?"

(Y/n) smiled and turned away from the propeller. "My father was a mechanic. He taught me everything I know now."

The crew had taken apart the Scarlet O' Air and used her old parts to craft the new plane. Moomin, Sniff, Little My, and Snorkmaiden either watched from the sides or gathered supplies.

They all knew that their lack of knowledge would only get in the way.

Snufkin, however, took time during (Y/n)'s breaks to talk about where she's been and what she's done. He found her ranting adorable.

"Perhaps once she's done getting cleaned, you could accompany me to my next destination." (Y/n) suggested one day. "Flying around the world does get quite lonely."

Snufkin could only smile. "Perhaps."

Crafting the aeroplane took a week and a half. Some materials were hard to fix or come across, and then there was, of course, the test flight.

Snork volunteered to accompany (Y/n) during the test flight, as he had helped build it. And if all went well, (Y/n) promised the others she would take them individually.

"Are you ready, Snork?" (Y/n) called from her seat. She, of course, was going to fly it.

"Yep!" He called back. The engine roared as (Y/n) flipped multiple switches and pressed a few buttons before tightening her grip on the controller.

"Here we go..." she whispered.

The other residents of Moomin Valley watched in awe as the metal-air craft lifted from the ground and flew away. An agreement between all of them was that everyone who wanted a turn would be taken to the mountains and back. And just as everyone hoped- the test flight was a success.

"Alright!" (Y/n) and Snork arrived after fifteen minutes of taking off. "The Scarlet O' Air II test flight was a success!" Everyone cheered as the words left her mouth. "Now, who's next?"

The order in which others flew was pretty simple, well, besides the fact they fought for the spot.

Moomin Mama fixed the problem.

Little My went first. She started excited but came back slightly terrified. (Y/n) nearly hit multiple trees due to the controller failing for a solid minute.

Snorkmaiden went next. "Ladies, first!" Moomin Mama had declared. Snorkmaiden found the short trip eventful and beautiful. There had been multiple fields of multi-colored flowers, causing Snorkmaiden to ask if they could land and take a few back. The answer was, of course, no.

Moomin was next. He had felt uneasy during the first few minutes but got used to the plane's path and bumpiness. When they returned, he ranted to Sniff, who was too afraid to go on what he missed out.

Snufkin had requested to go last. He felt as though he could get privacy going last because the sun was setting, and everyone was retiring for the night.

"You two will be alright if we head to bed?" Moomin Mama asked, concern leaking from her tone.

(Y/n) lifted the goggles from her head, getting a clearer image of Moomin Mama. "Yes, ma'am. I assure you we'll be fine. The dark is no stranger to a pilot."

Those words put the lady Moomin at ease. "Well then, you two have fun."

The pilot nodded and turned to Snufkin with a smile. "You may want to take off the hat. The wind doesn't usually show much kindness to accessories."

The vagabond sighed. "Right," Snufkin removed the hat and set it on the ground. "I, uh, don't suppose I could pass on the goggles?"

A light laugh was the response. "You can if you like, but the air likes to pick up bugs and dirt. It's ultimately your choice." She held out a pair of goggles, knowing that Snufkin would take them either way. "Are you ready?"

Snufkin nodded and climbed into the back seat of the aeroplane. He pulled the goggles over his eyes with a scrunched up face, then buckled his seat belt. (Y/n) did the same. She then flipped the switches and pressed the buttons once more. "Off we go again," she whispered.

The flight, was of course, silent. (Y/n) had warned everyone of being careful of the number of times they talked. Moomin had caught a bug in his throat the last time.

Though the pilot had promised everyone that the time and destination would be the same for each of them. She did the opposite for Snufkin. The Scarlet O' Air II was planning to land atop a clear mountain top.

The aeroplane's engine slowly died as the wheels touched the mountain's surface. (Y/n) smiled and unbuckled her seatbelt. "We're here."

Snufkin followed her actions and hopped from his seat, nearly losing his balance due to the change of atmosphere.

"Careful." (Y/n) laughed. She removed the goggles from her eyes, revealing a dirt-covered face, the original color of her skin being two large circles around her eyes.

Snufkin snickered, causing (Y/n) to roll her eyes. "Yours is the same way, Snufkin." She paused, then motioned the vagabond to follow her. "I have something to show you."

A large clearing was ahead from where they had landed. A large field of anemones stood before them. The flowers' bright color was fading as the sun fell from the sky.

"This is one of the fields Snorkmaiden mentioned. Due to the time limit, I denied her many requests. But..." her face flushed. "I figured you would've liked to see it, so I'm glad you asked to go last."

Snufkin smiled. "I went last for a reason of my own, (Y/n)." The pilot raised an eyebrow. "I... I wanted to accept your request- to travel with you." He took notice that (Y/n)'s red cheeks had deepened to a more appropriate shade. "It's nearly winter, and I usually leave a week before... which will be in two days. I'll be ready to leave then if you'll wait."

(Y/n) smiled, "I'm willing to wait for that. Just be prepared for a lot of misdirection and complaining."

Snufkin laughed softly and intertwined their fingers. "I think I can take a bit of misdirection and possibly some complaining."

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