Abnormally Fantastic

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Reality... it cannot be bent so easily. Bending reality is considered impossible, to certain extents of course. A very few selections of creatures can make reality their own, but that's what motivates them to do differently.

Take (Y/n) (L/n) for example. At a very young age, she had discovered that she could do things that others only dreamed of... or feared. No one could ever think that one would be able to stretch and bend their arms like rubber, or do what some considered to be fake parlor tricks... but they weren't fake.

So, not wanting to take her abilities for granted, (Y/n) began traveling the world and showing creatures what she could do- for a small price of course.

Today was her first trip to Moomin Valley. Being on the road and all, she had only heard stories as to what took place in that land. The crazy adventures that the family took on a daily basis, the creatures that had set foot upon their land with stories and gifts alike... and who could forget the story of the vagabond.

"Right," (Y/n) stopped under a tree before a large clearing.

'Remember, (Y/n), you're not here for a show, just a pit stop before the next.' As much as she wanted to do a show in Moomin Valley, (Y/n) always told herself that the valley already had enough abnormality going on, and there's always the fear of criticism that ate at her after each show.

'Here we go.' (Y/n) tightened her grip on her knapsack and left the forest, ready to sit back and take a break from her long journey, that was nearly half-finished.

"LITTLE MY GIVE THAT BACK!" (Y/n) looked up from the ground with wide eyes and moved away from the pathway as two blurry creatures passed by her, one of them, unfortunately, pushing her into a small stream that she had hoped to avoid.

Quiet laughter came from above the stream as (Y/n) surfaced. Her face scrunched up as she slowly lifted herself up.

"Oh dear," the voice said, it wasn't too clear as to if he was being sarcastic or not, but the fact that he laughed at (Y/n)'s fall made her annoyed.

A huff escaped (Y/n)'s lips. "You know it's very rude to laugh at someone after their fall." She ran her fingers through her hair, then squeezed the bottom in an attempt to get rid of all the water.

Another quiet laugh, but it was closer this time. "Apologies, I didn't mean to laugh at your misfortune. Would you like any help getting dry?"

"Mmmm... if you wouldn't mind. I do need to get some supplies out of my ha- bag to settle," she hoped that the stranger hadn't caught her little hiccup. The stranger nodded and motioned her to follow him. "I- uh, didn't catch your name, sir."

The stranger grinned and turned to face (Y/n). "I didn't throw it." He laughed at the facial response he received. "I'm Snufkin. May I have the pleasure of yours?"

"(Y/n)," she answered.

Snufkin raised an eyebrow after stopping in front of a tent. "(Y/n)? As in '(Y/n) the Traveling Magician'?" (Sorry for that name)

The air suddenly seemed to grow cold around (Y/n). She hoped that Snufkin wasn't one of the crazy creatures that threw a bunch of names at her.

"Don't worry about it if you are, I don't mind," Snufkin finally said. He raised the flap to his tent. "You can change inside if you like, get your bearings together."

(Y/n) nodded. "Thank you," she said quietly before stepping in.

Most know that the Moomins were very kind creatures that welcomed just about anyone into their home. It was just the way that they saw fit that others should be treated, no matter who or what they've been through.

"Snufkin!" A voice called. Snufkin looked up from the ground. "Who was that girl you were with?"

Snufkin raised an eyebrow. "You mean the girl that you pushed in the stream, Moomin?"

Moomin kicked at the dirt. "I didn't mean to," he mumbled. "Little My stole my picnic basket, I was going to have lunch with Snorkmaiden, and now I can't because Little My ate all the food."

Snufkin chuckled, but stopped when (Y/n) exited the tent, she looked totally different. Nice and dry. "Feeling better, (Y/n)?"

Moomin's head shot up, wasn't the girl he pushed in... well... supposed to be wet?

"Yes, thank you, Snufkin," (Y/n) looked at Moomin who had an expression that read he had an idea of who she was. "Oh."

Moomin gasped. "(Y/n)? Is that your name? I swear I pushed you in the river- why aren't you wet? Unless you're '(Y/n) the Traveling Magician? Am I wrong?"

The girl looked to the floor. "Yes," she mumbled. "I just came here to rest before my next show." She looked up and eyed Moomin. "You look like you want something."

Moomin nodded. "Yeah! Could you put on a small show? We don't really get to see any of your shows- we only hear about them!"

Silence fell between the three. (Y/n) knew it was to come out rude if she said no, so her best bet was to accept and entertain the whole valley.

"Sure, why not. Just one show though, then I need to rest." She said seriously. Moomin nodded.

"I gotta go tell Mama, Snorkmaiden, Papa, and Little My!" He then ran in the opposite direction of the tent, towards a tall house closer to the hills.

A chuckle escaped Snufkin. "Apologies, I didn't mean to put you through all of that trouble. Pay no mind to him, we don't get a lot of excitement such as yourself here."

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow. "Right. Um... I'm going to go prepare myself for all this. I wasn't ready to be put in front of an audience until Saturday."

"Wait!" Snufkin caught (Y/n)'s wrist before she walked off, but something happened as he did so. Instead of (Y/n)'s whole body stopping, her arm began to stretch all the way to where she stood, approximately four feet away. "Oh wow..."

The magician's cheeks flushed. "Oh dear, I'm sorry." Suddenly, the arm was back to normal length. "That just... it happens sometimes."

Snufkin shook his head. "I should be the one apologizing. I was actually going to ask if you've eaten. I have extra carp from my catch and I'd hate for it to go to waste, plus you need your energy for tonight."

(Y/n) nodded. "Fine. Just a few though."

The rest of the night in Moomin Valley was exciting for everyone, even (Y/n). The Moomins and the valley's residents were very supportive and enjoyed every bit of the show, something that rarely happened in (Y/n)'s audiences.

The most applauded came from Snufkin. He was fascinated by everything that (Y/n) could do: a kitten from out of her hat, her clothes would change colors as her personality changed as well as her act. People would usually just see her tricks and assume they were all fake and staged, but Snufkin knew that they weren't. It wasn't fake-

It was abnormally fantastic.

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