Chapter 10

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I walked away from Eijun to find the rest of the team still practicing. They were either batting or fielding and some going to do both. I saw that some of the girls were watching in the bleachers so I decided to sit down and watch to.
"Isn't Tetsu-kun the cutest thing when he does visual batting" Yue said looking dreamily at Tetsu. ( I don't remember what batting he does.) We looked down at Tetsu then back at Yue and started to laugh. She gave us a " huh look.
"Bro, he looks like he's about to kill someone with the bat" Yuriko laughed out. "And that's coming from his sister." We all continued to laugh until the boys finished practice.
Time skip
We all finished eating and shower and I was currently siting on the field watching my brother and Furuya pitch with Eijun in the back whining about it of course.
"I told you I will catch you tomorrow " my brother yell at him.
"Catch me now" Ei yelled back
"I want to pitch" Furuya said under his breath. I chuckled at the scene in front on me.
"If you don't mind Ei I'll catch you" I said butting in.
"Really " his eyes sparkled. I shook my head firmly. "Kazu you have another glove right." He just gave me that "seriously" look before telling me that he had one under his bed.
"Thank you. Come on Ei."
Time skip
We got  to his dorm and walked in . It's a lot neater when no one his here. I walked over to his mattress. You would expect a boy his age to keep magazines and stuff like that under his bed but no, not with my brother. All you see are two unused gloves and at least ten pairs of hats. How do you even keep these at the under your mattress?  I grabbed the right hand catching mitt. Just like my brother I'm left handed but I catch and throw right of course.
We left the dorm and went to do some indoor pitching away from my brother and Furuya.
"Y/n- senpai do you have a boyfriend" Eijun asked throwing a pitch. I almost hit myself trying to catch it.
"Huh, what, oh umm well." I thought about it for a second and smirked. "Eijun do you have a crush on me." He froze and blushed.
" No, it's just that you and Miyuki are both very pretty but Miyuki's too cocky to get a girlfriend but your really nice" he said still blushing.
"It's not that I can't get one, I just don't want one" I said catching another pitch.
"Is it because of Mei-san" he looked at my face closely.
I looked down "Somewhat."
"Tch" was heard from behind us. I looked to see my brother and Furuya standing there. I hated talking about this topic with him because he gets so heated about it. "That bastard I can't believe he hurt you. I could just mur-."
"Kazuya" I yell and got all of their attention. "It's late we should all be heading back" I said lowering my tone.
"I'll walk you" he insisted. I shook my head ok. We said good night to the first years and started to walk to the girls volleyball dorms. It was a long way since it was in a the other side of the school.
At first the walk was quite. You could only hear our feet hitting the ground.
"Y/n" Kazuya said breaking the silence. I hummed in response. " Is it really because of Mei that you won't date." I looked at him confused. " Or is it because of me." He hung is head low. I've never seen him like this before.
"What do you mean Kazu."
"Are you mad at me for what I did." At this point we stopped walking and look at each other.
"No Kazuya, I'm actually really grateful for what you did." He looked at me stunned. " You gave me that push to get out of that relationship and I'm so grateful to have you as a brother."
He smiled and it made me smile. Its not everyday that you see Miyuki Kazuya sad about something and smile a real genuine smile. " I'm grateful to have you as a sister."
We began walking to my dorm and started to talk about the first year pitchers and how they annoyed him and me defending them because they are too adorable not to.
We finally got to the dorms. " Good night n/n" he said. He hasn't called me that in years.
"Good night Kazu." I kissed him on the  cheek. Something I haven't done in years and ran up to my dorm.
I got into my room to see Yue passed out on her bed and Emiko passed out on her's.
I fell into my bed and drifted off to sleep to get myself ready for tomorrow.

New chapter. Thanks for the support on this book. I really hope you enjoy this book and will continue to read to the end.

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