Chapter 8: On the Run

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They door to my room flew open as my best friend burst into the room with tears streaming down her face.

"JESS!!!!! I THOUGHT I LOST YOU FOR GOOD!!!" she cried out as she wrapped me in the tightest hug I had ever felt. Liz clung to me with the strength of a boa constrictor squeezing the life from its prey.

"Liz....can't....breathe..." I wheezed into her mass of black hair before she finally loosened her grip.

"We don't have time for this sh......" Namjoon's head snapped to the door as something caught his attention.

"FUCK! He's on his way up in an elevator. I'll carry Jess but we have to run now! We don't want the exposure a confrontation here would bring."

"I'll have our driver pick us up at the exit, head for the stairs and Liz darling, please allow Namjoon to get to Jess." My mom calmly ordered.

"We will contact the druid and his family so they can prepare a teleportation location for us." Dad called out as we ran from the room with a very confused Liz in his arms.

We were moving at such incredible speed. How had I never noticed my parents could do these things?

Of course, it does explain a lot. Like how they always knew what we did or were planning to do when my brothers, sister and I would break the rules.

A thought suddenly hit me.

"I'm not the only one! What about the boys or sissy? Why can't one of them do this?"

"Because we adopted Kara and the twins. We didn't want you to grow up an only child, so we adopted an orphaned lycan and a pair of fairy twins. Sorry we never told you." Mom replied over her shoulder.

"Guess that's just one more thing you lied to me about. Was any part of my life real?" I ground out as we burst through the stairwell exit on the first floor.

I could see the hurt my comment caused flash across her face moments before my dad grabbed our attention.

"The Jungs set up a transportation mirror in the mirrored windows of the hospital. We'll have George take the car to the airport as a diversion with some of Jess's blood in it."

"Use my shirt; it has plenty on it from earlier so just a few fresh drops should be enough."

Namjoon set me down just outside the hospital exit and removed his shirt before pulling out my IV and dripping some of the blood from my fresh wound onto it.

"But won't he hurt George?" I questioned in concern for the man who had helped raise me as my family's driver my entire life.

"Nah, I'll just transform and fly away once I park the car." George casually tells me as he steps out of the car and joins us on the sidewalk. He seemed so calm, like it's something he does every day, before pecking my forehead. "But thanks for worrying about me sugar."

Of course he's a supernatural being, at this rate I wouldn't be surprised if everyone I know is.

"So what are you exactly?" I ask him.

"Dark Fairy, and I'm actually Aiden and Alex's biological father. Their mom passed away before telling me I was a dad. By the time I found them, your parents had adopted them. They kindly hired me as their driver so I could help raise my sons and their beautiful little sisters." He lovingly explained as my dad located the portal we would use.

"Please stay safe papa George; I would never forgive myself if I lost you over this." I whimpered as tears threatened to fall from my eyes and my chin trembled.

"Oh sugar, I will be and we can have a nice long chat when I make it to the safe house." He pulled me into a quick fatherly hug.

"It's ready!  Namjoon, take Jess and go first, we will be right behind you." I turned at the sound of my father's voice to see one of the large, mirror like windows ripple with a strange light just before I was picked up by Namjoon and he walked straight at the window.

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