-Next, takes you to some sort of expensive show

-Again, you've already been impressed by the fancy-meter rating of this day

-But finally, he just takes you back to his house and shows you some of his awards and trophies and stuff

-You guys just talk casually there

-Because you didn't feel like you had to act fancy

-You honestly enjoyed that part the most

-It seemed like he did too

-Which was true, considering the rest was pretty much just to impress you

-But you didn't mind how over-the-top he was


-At first Quinton wants to take you back to the planetarium

-But then he remembers that that was were the two of you met

-So he figured you would probably already know it pretty well

-Then he does some research and finds out about this incredible spot that barely anyone knows about

-He takes you to dinner

-Then he drives you there

-And you just watch as a ton of shooting stars fly past

-He held your hand the entire time which both of you liked

-Not only was it a good stargazing spot, but in the daytime it was also super pretty

-It became your favorite spot after he showed it to you


-You spend the next few days just going about your day like normal, wondering when Kite will actually show up

-Because you had no idea when he was going to chose to come

-So you just go to a local cafe and get some food one morning

-After you finish eating, poof, there's one Kite Tenjo

-He decides to take you to an amusement park

-You go on the scarier rides, and you get a bit spooked

-He finds this funny, but tells you that you don't have to go on anything you aren't comfortable with

-Just in defiance, you go on everything he seems to want to go on

-Yeah..... For the next few days you were traumatized.

-He felt bad and tried to make up for it by winning some games and giving you the prizes

-Fun day though


-Since he was from China in his previous life, he does like a lot of their culture

-So one night there was a lantern releasing that sounded interesting to him

-And he decided that it would be cool to take you

-You guys shared a lantern and released it together as you held hands

-Both of you were in awe at how beautiful it was

-With all the lanterns and the stars

-He starts telling you about dragons as you lay your head on his shoulder

-And you like listening to him as you watch the lanterns


-Fancy dinner at the Barian's house eyy

-Candles and fancy plates and mood seT

-Dumon got everything covered

-Although he's the mom Barian, he can be really scary at times

-And he told the other Barians not to interrupt you two super intimidatingly

-So you guys are at the dinner table with candles and a really nice complex meal Dumon made

-It was amazing

-And you talk about anything and everything

-A couple of times Dumon catches Vector and Alito trying to sneak in, but he quickly shuts them down

-You thought it was funny

-But honestly thought that Dumon was such a gentleman for doing all this for you

Good day/night to you! Thanks for reading this chapter, and I'm honestly so psyched that we have the amount of reads we have already. 74 may not be much to other people, but to me, this is super amazing. Again, please feel free to request scenarios or new characters! I'm(and Atoranta, too) always in a writing mood, whether that be to write Yu-Gi-Oh or not. 

See you next week!


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