"When I get out of here... I'll take your twins and let them watch their parents kill everything in their way just to get two fucking kids-" He threatened and I took off the safety from the pistol making him shut up.

"I hear my son might be dating Aubrey... my men would be so pleased to have someone as young and beautiful as her plus she's probably a-" I pointed to the gun at his head and without thinking I pulled the trigger, I clicked the trigger a couple more times until I snapped out of my thoughts. I looked at Chase who had multiple bullets in his chest and head. I realized what I have done and saw the blood all over me.

I felt the tears running down my face and behind me were fast yet heavy footsteps coming downstairs. I turned around slowly and Gabriel looked between Chase and I in shock.

"I killed him..." I whispered looking up into his eyes and he slowly takes a step towards me. I grip the gun tighter, looking to my side once again staring at Chase's dead body. I killed two people... over what... for what...

"Baby... give me the gun" He said and I shook my head ignoring him.

"Chase started talking all this shit about Aubrey and taking the twins.. I let that son of a bitch get to me, I-I got angry and pulled the trigger..." I hiccupped and Gabriel came close snatching the gun from me, throwing it behind him.

"It's okay... don't look at him anymore" Gabriel placed his hand on my cheek making sure I was only looking at him. It wasn't my first time killing someone I know that but I wasn't able to process the first killing ever, everything was coming back to me. I'm a murderer...

My vision blurred and he pulled my close, letting me cry against his chest until I calmed down.


I was sitting in the bathtub staring ahead at the white tiled walls. I lifted my hands out the water seeing the blood slowly dripping off. I wiped my hands quickly noticing the water turning red beneath me.

"Are you okay?" Gabriel walked in and sat down on the floor next to the bathtub. I blinked and without realizing it tears streamed down my cheeks. Gabriel kneeled cupping my face, he used his thumb to wipe my tear and I sighed heavily.

"Do you want to talk about it..." He asked softly and I shook my head.

"You know you won't get through this if you don't talk... talk to me at least I know what you've been through"

"I killed someone, how am I supposed to talk about it. He was Ariel's husband and if she finds out that I killed him she's definitely going to want revenge" I looked into his bright green eyes, Gabriel helped me get up and walked me over to the shower and he stood there holding the shower door open.

"This would have never happened if Ariel and Chase weren't being fucking assholes... either way he was going to die... but we'll continue this after you get out" Gabe said calmly.

"Obviously, you've killed people before... that's something you would say"

"I know love, it's nothing new to me but people have different ways to cope with it. That's why I work a lot, but now that you're here you take my mind off many things" He kisses my cheek.

"Don't take long" He kissed me again and closed the shower door behind him. I scrubbed the rest of my body with the loofa quickly ignoring the red water pooling at my feet.



"Ma'am Chase has been found..." One of Chase's men came barging into the office. I nodded my head getting up and following him downstairs. Author stopped in front of the opened front door and I peeked seeing the huge black bag that was laying on the concrete steps.

My NannyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang