Taehyung Pt 2: Chapter 2

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Waking up the next morning was not so easy. My body was still sore from being punished and rewarded. I walk to the bathroom to turn the shower on to get ready to go. As it warms up I receive a new message on my phone and go to check it. When I open it I see a message from Taehyung.


Good morning love~ We are in the same car today as yesterday. So hurry up and don't keep me waiting.

I replied back with a simple 'Yes sir' and quickly got ready. As I did I kept staring at my sore butt that was still slightly red from last night. I sigh heavily as I wonder how I got myself into this situation. Then I remember it's mostly jungkook's fault for starting it and causing trouble on purpose. "Note to self. Stay away from jungkook today" I talk to myself as I gather my bag and stuff I'll need for the day. Then head out into the hallway. As I'm waiting for the elevator I hear footsteps and turn to see Taehyung, Jimin and Jin. "Good morning guys" I say trying to sound natural.

They all greet me cheerfully like normal and as we enter into the elevator I glance at Taehyung as I get in. For a split second I see the same guy from last night grin at me. However it doesn't last long and he's back to being his usual self. It made me shudder just thinking about everything that has happened so far. I can't tell if it's from fear of being punished again or from anticipation of getting another reward. Maybe both?

Getting down to the garage we see everyone else gathering to get ready to go. We all greet each other including the other staff and I see my friend. I walk over to greet her "good morning Sujin." She waves at me and smiles "good morning did you sleep well?" I think about last night and nervously chuckle a bit "Umm sort of, I feel a little sore from the workout from yesterday but I'm ok." Which is not a total lie, I just didn't mention the workout also included Taehyung. She nods understanding and pats my back to comfort me "If you need any help today just ask me." I thank her and when everyone comes down we all get in to go get the day ready for the show. I'm with Taehyung, jungkook and jimin again this time I'm in the back with jimin thankfully so I have some room to breathe from those two in front.

After a few minutes we get to the venue. The guys go to the stage area to get their rehearsals started as us staff get the equipment and outfits together and ready for tonight. After a while it's individual rehearsals time. Namjoon was first and some watched while others came back to eat from the food table. I'm currently setting up more food and snacks for later as jungkook comes over looking for food. Picking up some breakfast sausage he eats it as he grins at me. I pout and glare at him. It's his fault I got in trouble in the first place. Coming closer to me he leans over the table and whispers low so no one else can hear. "You glare at me yet you're screams and moans from last night says you enjoy getting into trouble. Maybe I should do it again? What do you think?" Pulling away his eyes have that mischievous look that says he is already considering it. My face feels a little warm from embarrassment knowing he heard everything. I ignore him and walk away. I hear his chuckling as I do.

While walking away I see jin and yoongi walking to the table to get food and coffee. Behind them I see Taehyung his eyes focused on me as he walks by and it sends shivers up my back. As I'm helping out Sujin in the hallway with equipment I suddenly hear jungkook asking the others "Is something wrong with her today?" Seems like they were in the middle of a conversation and he said this part loudly on purpose for me to hear. I listen in on the conversation and hear Jin saying "The other staff said she was feeling sore since yesterday, so that's probably why. Don't take it seriously jungkook. Everyone has their tough days" That little brat is up to no good again! I feel a little irritated but don't show it for fear of being seen and misunderstood.

After a few minutes I received a text and check my phone.


Already causing trouble again? Don't take your frustration out on jungkook. This is your first warning. You only get one more before punishment.

Feeling a sudden chill up my back from the simple text I put my phone away and feel a little on edge now. As I go to hang some clothes I can't stop thinking about him. How did I allow myself to be controlled by Taehyung? Why am I so ok with it that I never object to any of his demands or rules? I shake my head to clear my thoughts. Checking the time I see it's time for lunch and I exhale relieved to get a break.

Sujin comes over ready to go eat. I smile at her ready to leave myself. We decided to go to a restaurant nearby so we can take out time. As we are leaving jungkook comes over to us "Are you guys going out for lunch? Can I come too?!" Looking innocent and giving his puppy eyes Sujin accepts easily. However as she keeps walking he quickly gives me a look that says his little game isn't done. As we walk I whisper to him "I swear jungkook if you don't knock it off.." All I get in return is his face pouting in a mocking way.

It doesn't take us long to get to the restaurant and sit down. Thankfully Sujin sits next to me and jungkook across from us. As we order they chat about the preparations and expectations for the day. I of course throw my thoughts in once an a while but jungkook's presence is distracting me. The food comes out and we dig in. It's definitely delicious and it helps me calm down after a rocky morning. However it's short lived when I suddenly feel a foot between my thighs. My breath hitches and it makes me choke on my food. I have a coughing fit and sujin pats my back trying to help. Jungkook offers me water like he didn't do anything and I glare at him "I'm fine. I don't need it." He pouts innocently "I was just worried. Seems like you're not in a good mood today. Sorry." Sujin believes his lie and scolded me "Hey don't go picking on him. He's just trying to help. Be nice ok?" Now I'm the one pouting because he did that on purpose.

The rest of the lunch goes by without any further attempts from jungkook. When we get back I immediately go off by myself needing to cool off. I go into an empty room without looking and close the door. I take a pillow from the couch in the room and punch it. Eventually I throw it back on the couch. As I do the door opens and in walks Taehyung. He already has that look on his face that says he's upset...and it's my fault. "Taehyung I-...." He strides over and grabs my wrist. With a stern and deep voice all he says is "Don't. I don't want to hear your excuses." Then pulling me with him through the door and back to the guys waiting room we see the members surrounding a sad looking jungkook holding his jacket.

They all look at me as Taehyung drags me in. He tossed me into the center were jungkook is then suddenly yoongi speaks first "Were you the one who put up the stage outfits?" I look at him confused and nodded "umm yes, before lunch. Why what's going on?" Namjoon answered "Jungkook's jacket has a button that was ripped off. We asked the other staff if someone accidentally dropped it or something and no one else was in here except for you and Sujin here." He points to her who I barely see coming in.

Jin continues "So the question for you two is, did you damage his jacket on accident and didn't tell anyone?" We both shake our heads no and Sujin speaks first. "No I didn't touch the outfits. But..." She looks at me apologetically before saying the next part. "Something did happen at lunch with these two..maybe..it has something to do with it?" I look at her wide eyed and then instinctively turn to the eyes that are burning a hole in my head. Taehyung is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed behind the others. I can already hear his words from here saying 'Choose your answer carefully.'

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