Couldn't think of a name

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"Are you alright Naruto?"Koyuki questioned him.

"Yeah sure, someone must be thinking about me."

"Oh okay.So, what did you need from me again?"

"Oh yeah hehehe,I just came to let you know that Hinata wanted to travel back home you know!"

Koyuki sighed,Naruto no matter how serious would look always had his childish moments.

"Oh okay,I just hope you enjoyed your stay here."

"Yeah,it was super great Koyuki-chan Dattebayo! Anyways
I think the kids would be thrilled to see their relatives you know!
See ya!"

With that, the Uzumaki disappeared in a poof of smoke back to his home.

Jiraiya wondered through the busy village from the market activities.Even though one could tell distraught coming from the looks on their faces from all the current activities.

His latest visit was the hospital where the blindfolded Uchiha was still out cold from the transplant.

The genins were helping around the village while higher ups prepared for the oncoming war.
He let out a heavy sigh as the sky was gradually turning into dark shades of red and orange.

An idea,a pervert one formed in his head,maybe the hot springs could lift his spirits,well, even a little bit.Since he had nothing better nothing to do,he headed over to the nearest hot springs.He had set his sights on a nearby high tree with a branch overlooking the baths.Swiftly climbing the tree, he got comfy on the branch when a sudden poof of smoke blinding him.





Mount Myobuku
"It hurts!"Jiraiya mumbled as he rubbed his aching head.He was eyes closed allowing someone to bonk a stick over his still aching head.

"Hey! What's that for!"Jiraiya screamed unintelligently.


"Huh, Fukasaku-Sama!Why did you summon me here!"

"Jiraiya-boy,I called you here because of the protect."

"Bah!The prophecy will need come to be!You should know that never anything came out of having a student.Nagato,Yahiko,Konan and Minato died and Naruto would rather die than have me ten feet near him!"

"That bit about Naruto was on you Jiraiya-boy.You and Tsunade-chan were clearly acting in clear rage."

"Yeah trying to protect the gaki from the council for over a decade then do something that made everyone hate him gave us an edge over the bond we had with him.That would never be able to to get him to forgive us.Even Shizune hates us but never shows it."

"I know how you feel Jiraiya-boy,but the lad is needed to resign the contract and become the next toad sage."

"Then what do you want me to do,go looking for him."Jiraiya said sarcastically crossing his arms with eyes shut tight."

Fukasaku sighed"That is exactly what I want you to do Jiraiya boy."

"You know I'm the least favorite person to him."

"Yes,but you have to for the future of the shinobi world.

"I'll see what I can do."

"Good,now you can come home for some cooking from......

Jiraiya was gone.

"That boy."Fukasaku sighed silently chuckling.

With Naruto
Coming back from the castle,Naruto came back home  to find all their property in the two storage scrolls.

"Already packed Hime?"Naruto smirked seeing Hinata blushing from embarrassment of being caught.

"Oh Naruto-kun!Yes yes!I have everything ready!"

"Sorry for not helping you Hime, don't worry though,I'll  carry them Dattebayo!

"Hehehe,okay!Here you go,help me carry little ones!"


With the scrolls on his back,The two sauntered to the babies' room when the three infants open  their eyes revealing three pairs of big blue curious eyes.

With proud smiles on their faces for their family,Naruto picked Himawari while sealessly creating a shadow clone for Boruto.Hinata  cradled Kushina closer to her chest  as she moved through the house to the door.

Naruto followed behind till they were side by side outside.

"Alright let's go home Dattebayo!"

"Okay, sorry Naruto but I think your still needed for the prophecy.

What will happen  when Naruto and Jiraiya meet.

Choices,Regrets,ChaosTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon